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TV report

Thierry Le Gall, a Breton pastor in parliament

“There are 2,200 in France and about 50 in the Bretagne region. However, these are still relatively unknown churches”. French public television France 3 airs report about evangelical pastor Thierry Le Gall. 

CHRISTIANS IN THE MEDIA FUENTES France 3 AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus RENNES 07 DE JUNIO DE 2016 12:12 h
thierry le gall, video, France 3, rennes France 3 boroadcasted a report about the role of evangelical pastor Thierry Le Gall in Bretagne. / France 3

This is a translation of an article and video appeared at French public television France 3. See more about Christians appearing in secular media in the Christians in the Media blog.

A long time Communications director at Ferrero France, Thierry Le Gall now has a new position. He is a pastor with parliamentarians. We met with the Breton pastor.

Have you heard about the evangelical churches? It is a Christian religious movement related to Protestantism that has grown exponentially in recent years. A new church is born every 10 days.

There are 2,200 in France and about 50 in the Bretagne region. However, these are still relatively unknown churches. In 2010, the National Council of Evangelicals in France was created. The organization now comprises 70% of evangelical churches. It is one way to make more visible the presence of evangelicals in society. Since January 2016, Thierry Le Gall even works among parliamentarians. This role had only previously existed among Catholics.

Watch France 3's report (6 minutes):




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