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Gospel broadcasts to Ukraine and Russia offer hope during uncertainty

Trans World Radio has a national partner in Ukraine and a ministry affiliation in Russia. Extra attention is now paid to themes such as forgiveness, dealing with trials and helping others in need.

RADIO, MEDIA & MISSIONS AUTOR 294/Frank_Stephenson 18 DE FEBRERO DE 2022 09:46 h
In the midst of uncertainty, tension and fear, TWR’s local contacts broadcast programs that point to the Prince of Peace. / Photo: Alex Blajan, Unsplash, CC0

With Russian and Ukrainian relations currently being particularly strained and the threat of a violent outbreak looming, speculation is rife about what the near future holds for the two countries.

What is certain is that the gospel continues to be proclaimed in both countries, and to speakers of both Ukrainian and Russian.

TWR, also known as Trans World Radio, has a national partner in Ukraine and a ministry affiliation in Russia. The ministry offers encouraging and sound Christian programming to people across the region. It has an impact.

“Our office is running according to plan”, TWR’s manager in Ukraine wrote. “We continue to produce programs (radio and videos), communicate with our listeners and plan our future work.”

Extra attention is now paid to themes such as forgiveness, dealing with trials and helping others in need. There is also more emphasis on the importance of a close relationship with God when difficult periods such as war arise. Should the situation escalate, it is still important to be able to fall back on Him.

Feedback from listeners provides evidence that people are tuning in

“Listening to your programs is like drinking cold water in the heat”, a woman in Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv wrote. Another lady from the countryside stated, “One more sister in Christ and I are the only believers (we know about) in our village… I try not to miss your radio programs even for a day”.

An 8-year-old Russian child responded to children’s programming. “I started listening to your broadcasts through the radio,” the child wrote. “I really liked the stories of Christianity. I decided for myself that my heart should belong to Jesus”.

[photo_footer] TWR seeks to share the light and hope of Christ through radio and media, even in the midst of darkness. / Mirko Fabian [/photo_footer] 

Although the conflict over the disputed Donbass region has been ongoing since 2014, people on both sides are coming to faith in Christ.

“As the growing tensions and conflict between Ukraine and Russia show, human peace is extremely fragile”, said Dirk Mueller, TWR’s international director for Europe. “However, TWR in Europe continues with a daily and strong voice to broadcast a message which I trust will lead people in both countries to come to know the true giver of hope and peace – Jesus Christ.”

TWR’s partner in Ukraine broadcasts programs in both the Ukrainian and in the Russian language. Furthermore, TWR’s ministry contacts in Russia use several media platforms to reach their people in different parts of this vast country. The mission is clear: people in both countries need Jesus.

“We are happy to continue to be involved in a great ministry of spreading the gospel around the world”, TWR’s manager in Ukraine wrote. “May God bless all those who support us, pray for us and are with us in this difficult time.”

The manager of the ministry activities in Russia adds: “I thank God that we are together as one team of believers, doing joint work for God’s glory!

For readers wishing to pray in support of the Christians in Russia and Ukraine, TWR has received three prayer items from the local leadership:

Please pray for wisdom for TWR’s local contacts and teams. Pray that Christians long for clarity on what God has to say in this situation. And pray for strength to give thanks in all circumstances, according to the call in 1. Thessalonians 5 verse 18.

Visit the website of Trans World Radio for more information on ministry activities in Europe and beyond.


Frank Stephenson, Marcom and Donor Services department for TWR Europe and CAMENA. Contributions to this article were provided by John Lundy and Mariette Oosterhoff.




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