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Protestante Digital


Food for those who protect us

Thousands of devotionals from Our Daily Bread ministry are distributed to security forces in Brazil after an agreement with the Ministry of Justice.

FEATURES AUTOR 317/Fernando_Plou 03 DE ENERO DE 2022 09:55 h
Detail of the cover of the Daily Bread edition for the military firefighters of Acre, Brazil. / Courtesy of NPD.

For several years, Our Daily Bread ministry has produced special editions of its devotional to be used by chaplains serving in the security forces in Brazil.

The military police, the civil police, the penitentiary police, the federal Police, the firefighters and other security forces already have personalised copies.

This November, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security signed a cooperation agreement with Our Daily Bread ministry. Since then, the devotional has become a key tool for the spirituality of the security forces in Brazil.

[photo_footer] The Brazilian Ministry of Justice and Public Security has signed a cooperation agreement with Our Daily Bread. / Courtesy of NPD. [/photo_footer] 

It has also made available to members of the security forces a digital application, chaplaincy courses, and lectures on a variety of topics such as suicide, stress, marriage, finances, relationships, ethics, and much more.

In order to reach out in a more personalised way to members of the security forces, Our Daily Bread asked for the help of almost 200 police and firefighters chaplains, who wrote the meditations for the annual edition used from now on in the copies distributed by the Ministry of Justice.

It is a really important open door to extend the kingdom of God, since, until now, no ministry had been able to do this kind of work, in such a wide way in Brazil.

[photo_footer] The meeting where the signing of the cooperation agreement took place. / Courtesy of NPD. [/photo_footer] 

These professionals are under constant risk and emotional stress, under a lot of pressure, and we know that the promise of the Lord Jesus, “Come to me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28), can change their lives.

God's Word transforms lives and hearts, it is wonderful to give devotionals to these military, police and firefighters .

Because of this, doors have been opened for more in-depth work in the areas of chaplaincy and psychological support, among others.

[photo_footer] Edition of the Our Daily Bread for the military police of the Federal District. / Courtesy of NPD. [/photo_footer] 

You can learn more about this protect here (in Portuguese)




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