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The Global Methodist Church is born

The denomination held its first general conference. “This is a new chapter marked by a commitment to faithfulness, integrity, and unity”.

FUENTES Global Methodist Church, Protestante Digital AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus SAN JOSE 09 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 19:30 h
A moment during the conference../ [link]Facebook Global Methodist Church[/link]

In the city of San José, Costa Rica, the Global Methodist Church (GMC) was officially born in the last week of September.

Formally, it began its first steps in May 2022, when they voted to split from United Methodist Church over the issue of sexuality and marriage, but the First General Conference took place from 20 to 26 September.

During the conference , the new church family was democratically constituted with the approval of its Constitution, the Book of Doctrine and Discipline and the election of its governing bodies.

Under the theme “So the world will know”, over 300 delegates and around 700 substitutes met, representing 4,733 local communities in 17 countries, plus six others who joined the new denomination during the meeting in Costa Rica.

[photo_footer]Facebook Global Methodist Church [/photo_footer] 


Mike Schafer, first chief connectional officer

Keith Boyette officially entered retirement after “guiding us through significant formative stages”, says the Global Methodist Church in its website.

Pastor Mike Schafer was named the first chief connectional officer, and has already begun assembling the Global Episcopacy Committee, whose main task is “to assign bishops to various geographical regions and to implement the denomination’s plans for the episcopacy”.

He is also working to organize staff roles “to ensure our new structure operates efficiently and cohesively”.

[photo_footer]Conference publicly thanked Pastor Keith Boyette, the driving force behind the Global Methodist Church./ GMC [/photo_footer] 


“A commitment to faithfulness, integrity, and unity”

According to Dianne Burnett, executive director of communications, they are “focused on moving forward with a renewed breath of life for His kingdom, always dedicated to fostering trust and transparency”.

“Our work centers on building a strong denomination grounded in our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ and spread scriptural holiness across the globe”, she adds.

Schafer acknowledges that “with such a significant period of transition comes an inevitable period of adjustment”, so that she asks “for patience as we work diligently to finalize details, organize processes, and prepare for a dynamic future”.

“Together, as a church, we stand on the edge of a new chapter marked by a commitment to faithfulness, integrity, and unity in our shared mission. We are moving forward, hand in hand, as the Global Methodist Church”, concludes the chief connectional officer.


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

Learn all about our #OneMoreYearEF campaign here (English).





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