miercoles, 23 de octubre de 2024   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital


God, the cartographer

How many times have you felt that your life has no direction, no sense to live?  Even in Christ, many people may think that there is no place to go, or whom to talk with.

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How many times have you felt that your life has no direction, no sense to live?  Even in Christ, many people may think that there is no place to go, or whom to talk with.

How many times have we felt disoriented, sad, anxious, depressed, frustrated? That is the thought of the human being. However the thought of God for us is greater, by greater the challenges and difficulties are.  So we must align our goals with the thoughts and purposes of God. We can not find a way but Jesus Himself, since He is the way. Personally, for our profession that has a mapping component, we are constantly creating new maps that people use to settle down. Maps help us to find where we are located or where we are going. God is cartographer and indicates the North to our lives. He is the best cartographer who ever lived, and tells us where we should go. The map that God has given us is His Word, and consulting this roadmap we can locate our marriage and our lives to know what to do in certain circumstances. It is a current map with completely accurate coordinates. Surely we remember that in many animated shows or detective films we followed the instructions of a plane to find a hidden fortune there, perhaps for someone in the past. The treasure that God wants us to find is the salvation, a non-animated but real and untold fortune, prepared for Jesus, free for all.

It is through the Word that God transforms our life of sin, doubt and sadness. Through it we have known Jesus and we have fallen in love with Him, and in difficult times gives us new strength. He gives us his joy, family, friends and also a purpose. The Word of God is restoring marriages, it can restore yours; it is restorative of lives, if He has done it with many people around the world He can also do it with you. The Bible tells us in Psalm 119: 130: "The exposure of your words gives light; it gives understanding unto the simple. "Thus, the light of the Word of God is for all of us; if there is a personal or family decision to take, we must go to the Word of God; if we have felt that we don’t have a direction or purpose, let´s go to the map: we will find a reason to live, a way to go and a God who hears us, speaks to us and guides us.


Milena Constanza Varón Roncancio, Jaime Alberto Garzón Barrios. Cadastral & Geodetics Engineers. Bogotá, Colombia




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