viernes, 18 de octubre de 2024   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Will Graham

Can I date a non-Christian?

 If you love God, you will obey Him (whatever it costs). If God doesn’t want you to be with a non-Christian then you’ve got to do as He says.

FRESH BREEZE AUTOR 18/Will_Graham 16 DE AGOSTO DE 2015 00:15 h

Ever since my conversion I’ve had it so well drummed into me that a Christian man is to marry a Christian woman (and vice-versa) that I just kind of took it for granted that anyone with any type of Church experience would just know that having a non-Christian boyfriend or girlfriend a total no-go area.

So it sure came as a brutal shock to me as I realized that more and more Christian youth are going out with non-believers. Why, oh why? Have they not been taught the same way I have? What is being preached in their churches? Have they ever got around to reading the Bible?

Today, I want to share some biblical principles as to why God demands that in no instance is a believer to hook up with anyone other than a fellow child of grace.

1.- It is an express command of the New Testament.

2 Corinthians 6:14 makes it crystal clear that a Christian is not to be “unequally yoked” with a non-believer. What does that mean? In the agricultural world of the New Testament, farmers put a wooden yoke around the neck of two or more animals (cattle, horses, donkeys, etc.) so that they would plough a field in unison. The yoke symbolized their going in the same direction.

Paul uses this imagery to condemn any type of yoke between believers and unbelievers. What has light in common with darkness? Or Christ with Satan? Nothing! Nothing at all! In the same manner, God calls upon Christians to be yoked together with Christians and only Christians. We were saved to go in the same direction i.e. God-wards. Such a destination is a blatant impossibility if you are with someone who doesn’t love God. You can marry who you like- as long as he (or she) is in the Lord (1 Corinthians 7:39).

2.- It is an express command of the Old Testament.

All throughout the Old Testament God warned His people of the dangers of marrying pagan men or women. Ezra 9 is a chapter well worth reading in this context. It was a no-go area. Such pagans- explained the Lord- would only turn God’s people away from Him in order to serve foreign gods and other idols.

Personally speaking, I’ve been in the Lord for over ten years and I’ve seen the same thing time and time again: Christian men and women marrying non-believers. And then what happens? Well, one of two things. Either the ‘Christian’ stops going to church altogether and forgets all about the Lord or he (or she) continues attending whilst his (or her) spouse remains at home with no interest whatsoever in the things of God.

As experience has shown me, these believers become miserable, frustrated and pent-up with depression. Well, what can I say? They’ve only got themselves to blame. They didn’t obey God. They forgot that two people cannot walk together unless they are in agreement (Amos 3:3).


I have written this note today to save all of you young Christians out there from constant headaches and existential anxiety. But not only do I publish this note for your benefit but first and foremost for the glory of God. If you love God, you will obey Him (whatever it costs). If God doesn’t want you to be with a non-Christian then you’ve got to do as He says.

After all, does it not seem a little illogical to fall in love with someone who couldn't care less about your most precious treasure, your most valuable possession, your most prized jewel i.e. the Lord God almighty? Who is the true love of your heart? God or the non-believer?




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