viernes, 28 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital


I love you

Few decisions are as important as the one about the person with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 09 DE AGOSTO DE 2020 17:00 h
Brazilian football player,Garrincha./ [link]Gol de vestuario[/link]

All keen football fans remember the Brazilian GARRINCHA, perhaps the best dribbler of all time.

The Soviet technicians recorded his dribbling, because they said that it was amazing. World champio in 1958 and 1962 he played in such a way that he set up goals for the forwards.

But his decline as a player began when he separated from his wife to be with a famous singer. He died an alcoholic.

No great man, no great woman in the world arrives at where they are without aid. Behind them you will often find a member of their family supporting and teaching, usually the parents, or the wife, or husband.

Few decisions are as important as the one about the person with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life.

In the Bible, God speaks many times to us on the importance of family relationships. One of the things I have done in my life, has been to read all the texts that speak of the family and to write down what God wants to teach us through them.

I challenge to you to begin to do it today. Take a Bible and a notebook, and begin working!

Yes, it will take a few months to do, but it is worth the trouble! You can begin in the book of Song of Solomon where you will find everything regarding the relationship between man and woman.

There is nothing nicer in the world than a loving relationship between man and woman.

God created it like this. God did it for our benefit, our understanding, our growth as people... for hundreds of different things!

But don't forget: the choice of companion to get married to depends on your own relationship with God.

Something so important cannot be chosen by ourselves. We must ask for wisdom from God and never forget that a marriage is based on intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical unity.

It must not lack any of these components, nor can there be divisions in any of them. Man and woman must live in the same relationship with God, and must understand each other intellectually.

They must love each other - and like each other physically. If not, it is better not to begin the relationship in the first place.

After we are married, we should not forget the promises that we have made. Not only in front of others, but also between one another.

We need to work every day to make sure that love grows. We need to give 100% of ourselves to understand and to love the other person.

We need to depend on God in all things. And never leave the other. For better or for worse – love is like this: it does not know conditions... only love, forever.




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