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Protestante Digital


Change of rhythm

Nothing can give our body greater rest than when it is in contact with our Creator.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 19 DE JULIO DE 2020 17:00 h
Basketall player Andre Turner./ [link]Wikicaja[/link]

In all sports, one of the most basic aspects is the change of rhythm. In basketball, for example, when one player leaves he breaks the rhythm of the team.

One of the better playmakers who came to Europe from the NBA was ANDRE TURNER. He was able to "read" in each moment the rhythm that the team needed.

After having played in Philadelphia, Boston, New York, Chicago and in several other teams, Andre is now famous in the ACB (Spain) for his ability to change rhythm.

Changes of rhythm are also essential in life. Nobody could get anywhere if he always lived in the same way, always at maximum pressure, even when at rest.

God created us in such a way that we must find time both to work and to rest. Even God, despite being perfect, rested on the seventh day of the Creation so that we too would learn to take time to rest.

The person who spends every day of their life working is no more worthy or spiritual than anyone else. On the contrary, the only thing they will achieve is poor health, and maybe sooner than they think.

It is very important to have a good rest: it is crucial to change the rhythm. Our mind and our body are limited, and they need time to rest.

If you don't take time to rest, your body stops working correctly. In the Bible, God gives us many examples of the importance of rest. Remember the most important victory of the prophet Elisha (1 Kings 18 19) came after he had to retire to rest and restore his energy.

And one more thing: the best way of resting is to have a personal and private conversation with God. It is vitally important in our life to keep daily moments of meditation, of prayer, of concentration, of personal communion with our Creator.

Moments in which words are almost unnecessary. Moments in which we open our heart to God completely. Moments in which we know that God listens to us and understands us. Moments of rest.

Our life cannot be the same without these moments of close relationship with God.

Moreover, the Bible tells us that God is wanting to share those moments with us. God is waiting for us every day to show us great and marvellous things.

God is awaiting that moment to come close to you. Nothing can give our body greater rest than when it is in contact with our Creator.




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