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René Breuel

Evangelicals should dissociate from President Trump. Better late than never

For many Christians outside the United States, American Evangelicals’ unwavering support for President Trump is bewildering.

CULTURE MAKING AUTOR 144/Rene_Breuel 21 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2019 11:00 h
US President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. / Photo: Unsplash (CC0).

For many Christians outside the United States, American Evangelicals’ unwavering support for President Trump is bewildering.

How can fellow followers of Jesus excuse a political leader who regularly lies, who uses his twitter account to bully citizens, and who has been accused of sexual assault and of covering up affairs with porn stars?

The Trump-Evangelical association has become even more problematic now that the American president has been impeached for abusing his power to enlist foreign help against a domestic rival.

Some believers celebrate the benefits of a transactional alliance with Trump, such as conservative judicial appointments and tough talk about abortion and religious liberty.

But the damage done to our credibility as a moral voice outweighs any short-term political advantage.

Evangelicals need to rescue their religion from the tentacles of politics. As bad as Trump is, I hear my American friends sometimes say, the alternative is worse.

But I’m not advocating for the Democratic Party or its eventual 2020 nominee. To think that if we’re not for Trump then we’re for the Democrats is a false dichotomy.

Evangelicals should cultivate instead prophetic distance that distinguishes the gospel from ideologies of both left and right. The good news of Jesus is neither conservatism nor progressivism.

Christians should certainly vote and stay engaged politically. We love our neighbors and work for the common good of our countries. And we do that, in part, by calling our rulers to high standards.

Like Nathan who denounced King David for his sin, Christians should not excuse misbehavior but be ready to challenge it, especially in the politicians we are associated with in the public eye.

America’s leading evangelical magazine, Christianity Today, has courageously published an editorial calling for Trump’s removal from office that affirms,

“The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral”.

President Trump responded on Twitter with characteristic mockery and self-exaltation:

“A far left magazine, or very “progressive,” as some would call it, which has been doing poorly and hasn’t been involved with the Billy Graham family for many years, Christianity Today, knows nothing about reading a perfect transcript of a routine phone call and would rather... have a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns, than Donald Trump as your President”.

“No President has done more for the Evangelical community, and it’s not even close. You’ll not get anything from those Dems on stage. I won’t be reading ET again!”

What if more Evangelicals became vocally critical of Trump instead of excusing his flaws? If, for instance, the black community did not acquiesce to Obama’s every proposal just because he was a black president, and Obama reacted to his constituents, why should we remain gullible of Trump?

Evangelicals’ reputation as a loyal Trump base is tragic to our cause not just in America, but everywhere the gospel of Jesus starts to be confused with nationalism, racism, sexism, and hypocrisy.

That’s why Evangelicals should be vocal critics of President Trump. We cannot let our faith collapse into a political choice. We cannot let the gospel of Christ be equated with Trumpism.

We have a sovereign, a King of kings, who is so much worthier of our allegiance.

René Breuel, Pastor of an Evangelical church in Rome, Italy.




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Respondiendo a

15:40 h
Great article. CT spoke with a prophetic voice, thank God. The black community did not cave to everything Obama did. There was considerable disappointment in some policies, e,g, immigration, public school funding, etc. Besides moral turpitude, Trump flat out lies/blames Obama for almost everything that has gone wrong, most recently all the troubles in the Middle East. One more thing: He betrayed our allies and friends - the Kurds - who heled us fight our enemies - that still hurts.
Respondiendo a CLEVEN

04:37 h
They hated us before Trump and will hate after. Evangelicals will be attacked either way. Under Obama evangelicals were already dragged to courts. Trump appointed 187 judges. If he is reelected and appoints more than American evangelicals will not be sent to jails for another generation. Maybe God keeps our doors open through him. Trump is not worse than others. I am not better. Clinton said we were "deplorables" and "irredeemable", I read Christ accepts deplorables and redeems anybody.
Respondiendo a Bob

T Martens
16:52 h
If Christians outside the U.S. are bewildered by the support for Trump among evangelicals, then it is because their liberal governments and media present a misleading picture of the political situation here in the United States. Corruption has become endemic and our left wing party has lurched far to the left. The Biden family, ironically, is symbolic of that corruption and should be investigated, as Trump endlessly has been. History will show that Trump was a needed transitional leader.
Respondiendo a T Martens

18:56 h
God does use humans. King David fell big time, and lied about it, yet Jesus quoted parts of the Psalms he wrote. I'm sure this wasn't an endorsement of David's faults and misbehavings. I don't think Evangelicals endorse everything President Trump has done or said by any means, but they know he has taken on both political parties, the establishment, the media, etc., like few leaders ever have. We all fall short. Maybe we feel God is using him in spite of his flaws. Please pray for the man.
Respondiendo a Ken

Bob Christensen
15:53 h
With all due respect to Pastor Rene' Bruel, and to the Publisher, I think your readers deserve to hear both sides of this story. CT editorial will backfire on them.
Respondiendo a Bob Christensen

22:46 h
I find this article equally unbalanced as Trump supporters are accused of being. It is a rather extreme call to criticize, overemphasizing the prophetic ministry. (Even the prophetic voice in the Bible is much more then a finger-pointing ministry.) Undoubtly,Trump is a sinner and shocking immature given be his age. But the evangelicals that surround him, so far have helped and guided him to do much good. What if the followers of Christ would depart from him? Would that be better for the nation?
Respondiendo a Vasilica

Pastor David
17:20 h
While I don't disagree that the Church must be prophetic, part of that prophetic truth is that, Scripturally, God occasionally raises up people like Jehu, son of Nimshi, in order to expose and even destroy a corrupt order. The super-State-worshiping, sexual progressivist, abortion cult that dominates the trans-Atlantic elites is a seducer, a killer of millions, and a usurper of God. Presently, the Left is utterly compromised. And Trump is, I believe, the wrecking ball, just like Jehu.
Respondiendo a Pastor David

14:09 h
but the true disciple of Jesus does not keep looking at people's personal defects, he loves, endures, believes! It was no coincidence that God put the Trump in power (Rom 13). Too bad I can read such an article from someone who calls himself a Christian. May God bless you!

ESTAS EN: - - - Evangelicals should dissociate from President Trump. Better late than never
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