lunes, 13 de enero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez

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Jesus Christ came to this world to die on a cross out of love for you.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 01 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2019 17:00 h
Kenyan runner Yobes Ondieki became the first man to run 10,000 meters in less than 27 minutes. / keepinit real sports

The world record holder for the 10,000 metres event was ONDIEKI, a Kenyan athlete who lived in the USA.

Married to an Australian, LISA MARTIN, (a marathon runner) he commented once that 'to reveal the secret of his preparation would be like giving away the ingredients for a wonderful meal'. Ondieki planned to return to Kenya when he retired from running as he had his home there.

Jesus told a story that has reached the hearts of thousands of people over 2,000 years. It was the story of the prodigal son.

This son wanted to be independent; he did not want to be accountable to anyone or anything. He asked for his share of the family money and off he went. He thought life was about to begin for him.

You already know what followed. Simply by running out of money, he simultaneously ran out of friends and 'the good life'. No longer could the son live from party to party,or move from banquet to banquet.

I don't need to explain the situation when he found himself without a home, or work or money. Things looked very different to him now! Just a while ago he had felt that life at home was not enough, but now he knew what it was like to be alone, abandoned and empty.

He realised that he had made a huge mistake in leaving home as he did.

He returned; yes, he went back home, probably very apprehensively, but he had decided to change his attitude, beg his father's forgiveness and live in the family home as a servant, as he did not feel worthy of being called 'son'.

He hoped to gain favour in his father's eyes once more, and what a surprise awaited him! His father was waiting for him as he approached home.

He would have been lost for words as his father ran to greet him, with a hug, forgiveness, restoration and plans for a celebration. The father loved his son,and he had never ceased to do so. This love is a small reflection of the love of God for us.

What is your situation? Do you feel far away from God?

If that's the case you could admit how your life has progressed up until now, you could even reveal how you have rejected God's love many times. You could talk for a long time and in depth about the hundreds of sins committed against God, yourself and others.

But don't you know that God himself is waiting, day after day, for you to return to him? Don't you know that he has not stopped loving you? I have proof: Jesus Christ came to this world to die on a cross out of love for you.

Return, return to God. His mercy has been available to you for a long time.




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