jueves, 27 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez

I am ready

Don't expect God to use you if you are not prepared.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 27 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 17:00 h
Kevin McHale. / Twitter @ISLive

People often give special attention to teams who are the reigning champions in any given sport.

They believe that if they support a good team, they can win anything, and if not...?!

In some sports,such as basketball, the five members of a particular team may be great players, but if you don't have good reserves, it is as good as impossible to win all the matches.

The NBA has instituted an annual trophy for the best reserve of the season: the best 'sixth man'. In the 1980's and 90's one single player has achieved this trophy on several occasions: KEVIN McHALE, the famous player for the Boston Celtics.

His help in gaining various titles for the NBA has been vital, although he was not a regular player in the team.

It's not easy to start playing in a game directly from the bench, when the rest of your team, and the opposition, have been working hard on the pitch for some time.

It is difficult to become focused, to 'start from cold', and that is why it is so important to have players who are always ready to play, who can join their team and do well at whatever moment they enter in the game..

Have you noticed that often in life, there are some young people who are given to sitting on the benches, letting older people get on with what needs tobedone? It's always easier not to get involved in the struggle, you avoid hassles that way.

We may resort to little excuses for not doing anything, saying, "Others can do it better" or, "They don't let me do it," or, "I'm still too young," or, "People will laugh at me." Maybe we should recognise the truth - that we are neither prepared nor willing!

In the Bible we find many young people who were ready: Joshua substituted for Moses, Elisha was prepared to take over from Elijah, and Samuel from Eli...all took over when the time was right.

And you, are you prepared? This is the moment to act. This is the time when the world needs your spiritual strength. The church needs your participation, right now. This is your hour! Are you available?

We must be ready for that moment when our coach tells us to get into the battle. We need to be available to substitute or help other members of our team. We must be willing to start our work for the Lord.

Don't forget that to be willing and ready you need to have spent some time warming up. You can't claim your right to enter a game if you are not fit and warmed up or you'd run the risk of severe injury.

In the same way we can't enter into God's work if we have not had some preparation, in personal knowledge of God, in sharing through evangelism and in service to the church.

Don't expect God to use you if you are not prepared: a good reserve is one who is ready to do everything as well as if he were on the main team all the time.

If someone is not in a fit condition to join the game,it ish ardly worthwhile doing so. Are you ready?




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