jueves, 27 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernández

We are nobodies!

We can easily think that our hands are of little use and that even our arms could not be trusted on an important mission.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 08 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 17:00 h
David Wood. / Photo: Baskonistas

In one of the Spanish Basketball Cup finals I had the chance to be with DAVID WOOD when he used to play for Taugrés de Basconia. He was reading Psalm 144 and he turned and said to me, 'You see? It's as if God had written this first verse just for me! He trains my hands to catch rebounds and my fingers to shoot!'

David had learned that God wanted to use his hands just as they were - bare hands.

We can easily think that our hands are of little use and that even our arms could not be trusted on an important mission. God is constantly looking for those who are ready and willing to serve while at the same time we are making excuses not to. But even champions make excuses too.

Read what Moses said to God...

1. "I'm good for nothing. I'm Mr Nobody." (Exodus 3:11) God doesn't need to know how important we are, how rich we are or how good we are at doing things. He needs us. If he calls you it's because you are important to him. Don't make excuses.

2. "I'm not sure it's God who's spoken; in fact I don't know at all." (Ex. 3:13) Answering God's call is the most important call you could take. God doesn't wait until we've got everything sorted and squeaky clean. He calls; we obey; end of story. Don't make excuses.

3. "They won't believe me and they're not even going to listen!" (Ex. 4:1) If God calls us to do something he can surely get people to listen. He can even make them see where they really are. All God wants us to do is answer his call. He sorts out the rest. Don't make excuses.

4. "But I'm no speaker. I get all tongue-tied." (Ex. 4:10) And it appears from Scripture that Moses did in fact have a stutter. Valid point. But God overrides even this because he promises to speak for us. Remember Balaam! God can even use an ass to get his message out! So don't make excuses.

5. "Please send someone else to do it." (Ex. 4:13) Now we get to the real reason for these excuses. Moses didn't want to go in the first place! Others might use this as an excuse, but ... are you going to say to God that you don't want to go? He has chosen you personally. Don't make excuses. God asked Moses, 'What's that in your hand?' Though your hands and arms may be empty, God can use you. You can be used by God to the service and blessing of others. Don't make excuses.




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