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Protestante Digital


Singing in the spirit

There’s something powerful about music. It goes beyond words and concepts to touch the very depths of us. In spite of its impersonal nature, music has a unique ability to make us feel happy or sad, upbeat or depressed. 

FRESH BREEZE AUTOR 18/Will_Graham 21 DE MARZO DE 2015 22:50 h

There’s something powerful about music. It goes beyond words and concepts to touch the very depths of us. In spite of its impersonal nature, music has a unique ability to make us feel happy or sad, upbeat or depressed. 

We humans don’t only create music via instruments but by our tongues, hums, whistling and singing. God gave us a musical nature. We love music. It defines us. We were born to dance. Certain songs mark concrete moments of our lives and usher in an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. Wherever there men and women, there will be music. Singing is never far from the lips of humankind.

It should come as no surprise that the Lord has ordained us to be continually singing in the Spirit reciting psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. A spiritual tongue is one that has been overpowered by the grace of Christ and shouts aloud His fame. This song of praise in the heart is an evangelical antidote against all types of demonic activity and discouragement. God-glorifying singing keeps our spirits high and honed in upon the Son of God.

I recall that one of the first things I noticed happening in my life after my conversion a little over a decade ago was that I found myself singing everywhere. In the supermarket, at the bus stop and on the football pitch I was humming away to my soul’s content. Nothing could extinguish that happy beat within. It was as if the Almighty had enjoined my voice to the rest of creation to sing out a continuous anthem of praise unto Him. He put His praise in me and I delighted in letting it burst forth.

I’ve also noticed over the years how the most God-fearing men and women I know are characterized by an ongoing melody of joy. I can think of a dear man of God in my town who is very close to my heart. How many times have I encountered him chirping away to the Lord in gleeful praise over these past few years? There’s something soothing and comforting about it. It’s as if the music spurting forth from his mouth heals my anxiety and stress. Countless brethren in Christ have had the same effect on me thanks to their blessed walk with the Lord.

That’s what spirituality is all about. Not just being on the platform for all to see; but maintaining soul communion with our Redeemer throughout every moment of the day. To sing to Him is to love Him. To sing to Him is to enjoy Him.

So I ask you today: do you sing to the Lord? Do you rejoice in lifting your voice up to Him? And if like me you sing like a pregnant sheep, don’t worry, He delights in listening to your heart-felt melody! Go on! Sing to Him! Sing for the Lord! Sing in the Spirit!




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