jueves, 13 de marzo de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Jaime Fernandez

It’s never too late

No-one can consider themselves too old to serve the Lord and others.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 12 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2017 17:00 h
Durward Knowles.

Some Olympic records aren't as memorable as others. One of the most important to me is this: DURWARD KNOWLES took part in sailing in the Seoul Olympics, at the age of 71!

LORNA JOHNSTONE took part in equestrian events at the 1972 Munich Games at the age of 70. They are the oldest athletes who have ever participated.

I don't think it is presumptuous to believe that older as well as young people will read this devotional. Today's lesson is especially for them.

Unfortunately, society seems to have no place for people over a certain age, which is one of the worst mistakes in the modern world. God's work isn't like that; there's room for everyone, and everyone is indispensable.

No-one can consider themselves too old to serve the Lord and others. Someone once said that great conquerors never die. It's still true of those who wish to keep on fighting according to their strength.

Many say, "I'm not as strong as I was, or as fast." Of course God says it's unwise to talk about "the good old days"; you get old if you think old. You get old when you get comfortable and refuse to change, because you think it's all over!

God has lots of plans for your life, however short or long it may be. God wants to use your strength, however little or much there is. He can give strength to him who has none! See, there's no excuse; it's never too late to serve the Lord. He needs us all.

Life begins today. You may read this devotional again years from now, but remember that life always begins today. You can start being useful to God today. Starting today, give your best, however much you have!

Even if you're bedridden, never forget that you can still pray, and prayer can change the world! Put yourself in God's hands. No one can take your place.




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