martes, 1 de abril de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital


We only have one mother

God teaches us in His Word that we should be thankful. Start being thankful to you parents and  to honour them right now..

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 26 DE ENERO DE 2025 17:00 h
Isiah Thomas. / [link]NBA[/link]

The champion team of the NBA in 1989 and 1990 was the Detroit Pistons. One of their most dominating players was ISAIAH THOMAS.

The relatively small point guard was the best director of plays of all the Eastern American teams of that time. In 1987 he was chosen as best player of the ALL STAR GAME.

In one of the interviews he gave after that event, he stated, "I wouldn't have been able to do anything if it was not for my mother".

It is difficult in today's world to find grateful people. It is even more difficult to find people who recognise the greatness of their parents, and even more difficult to find young people who will say it publicly. It seems to be out of fashion.

However, God teaches us in His Word that we should be thankful and, make no mistake about it, the ones we need most to be grateful to are our parents and, especially, our mothers.

No one has so much suffering, disasters, despair, physical and emotional problems, hours without sleep, days without getting out of the house, eternal moments of waiting, worry, and many other difficult etceteras, as our mothers.

It is said that only when a woman becomes a mother can she begin to understand and feel what it means. I do not know if I completely understand it, but I do know what my mother, Carmiña, has meant to my sister and me. Neither Quely, nor I, would have got where we are today if it had not been for her.

As she grew up, my mother was taught by her parents to always let God have first place in her life and, therefore, whenever something needed to be decided in our house, God was always the first to be consulted and obeyed. We try to live in the same way now, in our own homes.

Maybe some of you are thinking that today's subject has become a bit emotional.. It does not matter. Let me just say one thing; no one has done or given as much for you as your parents have.

Maybe at the moment you have many friends, perhaps you think that your parents are a bit "old fashioned" and do not really understand you, or possibly you believe that you are happier when they are not around.

Sooner or later you will realise how mistaken you are. No one loves you as much as your parents. No one else would be willing to give everything they have (and more if possible) for you.

Nobody else is always willing to forgive you. No one has such a huge place in their heart for you, as do your parents. Some day when you also form your own family, you will realise what it means. Don't waste any more time.

Start being thankful to them right now. Begin to honour them right now. Your parents are the most important people in the world to you; you would not be alive if it were not for them.




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