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Protestante Digital


5,394: the exact number of participants at the Seoul Lausanne Congress

Evi Rodemann, L4 Congress Events Coordinator, shares facts and stats about the large gathering that brought together a cross-section of the world’s evangelical churches in September 2024.

FEATURE AUTOR 231/Evi_Rodemann 13 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 11:00 h
Participants of the L4 Congress in Incheon-Seoul wearing traditional costumes of their countries of origin. / Photo: [link]Lausanne Movement[/link].

Here are some interesting facts from the Fourth Lausanne Congress.

- Congress Onsite Participants: 5,394 from 200 countries and territories.

- Virtual Experiencia (VX) participants: around 2,000 people from over 100 countries.

- In the Virtual Lounge on of the L4 congress, participants could meet each other with avatars. The Brazilians had the most fun!

- Congress team and volunteers: 494 people.

[photo_footer] Evi Rodemann, in the backstage of the auditorium where the Fourth Lausanne Congress was celebrated. / Photo: Lausanne Movement. [/photo_footer]

- Korean team: more than 1,600 people.

- Korean prayer warriors during the congress in a nearby church: 6,888 people.

- Livestreams of the sessions: over 30,000 unique viewers from 161 countries.

[photo_footer] The mc's of one of the plenary sessions, taking the stage. / Photo: Lausanne Movement.  [/photo_footer] 

- Emails: More than 500 emails sent out in 7 languages. Over the last 18 months, 750,000 emails in total.

- Digital Discovery Centre (DDC) exhibitors onsite at the Aongdo Convensia convention centre: 40 organizations.

- Recordings of Lausanne 4 sessions: around 2,500 minutes. About 200 shoots.

- Views on Instagram: 1.5M post views, with an increase of 12,000 users.

[photo_footer] A team of live translation at the L4 Congress. / Photo: Lausanne Movement.  [/photo_footer] 

- The document “State of Great Commission Report”: 6,000 downloads.

- Global collaboration teams around the congress: over 400.

- Donations given towards the organisation of the next Younger Leaders Gathering 2026, in Rio (Brazil): $48,313 from 327 people, with an additional offering of $80,000.

- Official L4 whatsapp groups: 113.

- Age of the youngest participants of the Congress: 18. Age of the oldest: 89.

[photo_footer]Korean volunteers welcome participants the first day of the Fourth Lausanne Congress, in Incheon-Seoul. / Photo: Lausanne Movement.  [/photo_footer] 

- Prayers written on the ‘Wall of the Unreached’: over 900.

- Prayer left at the foot of the Cross in the Prayer Station: over 200

- Lost and found items: 251.

- Naps taken at the relexation area of the convention centre: over 350.

- Stories toled at the Storytelling Booth: more than 500.

- Squares added to the collaborative mural: over 64.

- Stickers given out at the Movement Desk:  Over 17,700.

- Volunteers helping with ap approximately 1,000 pieces of luggage on the last day, Saturday 28 September: over 30.

- Wheelchairs and walking sticks borrowed: over 95 times (19 chairs total).

[photo_footer] A participant during a pause of the congress's schedule. / Photo: Lausanne Movement.  [/photo_footer] 

- Over the course of the Congress, we all have used 1,692 kWh to charge our mobile devices, enough to power about 56 homes for an entire day.

- The average steps walked (by volunteers but probably similar for participants) from Monday-Friday was a combined 96,694 which equals roughly 46 miles, or the distance if we walked from Incheon to Seoul and back to Incheon.

What a historical life-changing Congress (#L4Seoul) this has been. The next few months will tell what the impact on global missions will be.

Evi Rodemann, Congress Event Director of the Fourth Lausanne Congress in Incheon-Seoul, 22-28 September 2024.


[title]One more year[/title]


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