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Protestante Digital

Will Graham

A ‘Person’ Created the Universe

How philosophy and science point to a personal Creator.

FRESH BREEZE AUTOR 18/Will_Graham 06 DE MAYO DE 2017 10:20 h

Question 1: How did the universe come into being?

There are only two possible answers. Either the universe exists thanks to nothing or something.

But the first option is a blatant scientific and philosophical impossibility. The universe cannot have been created by ‘nothing’ because nothing produces nothing, does nothing and changes nothing.

So, we come to the conclusion that the universe exists thanks to something.

Question 2: What is this ‘something’ like?

There are only two possible answers. Either this something is impersonal or personal.

But the first option is a blatant scientific and philosophical impossibility for two reasons.

The first reason is that the universe cannot have been brought into being by something impersonal (whether it be material, energy or some type of law) because the impersonal produces nothing, does nothing and changes nothing.

The second reason that the universe does not exist due to something impersonal is that before time-space came into being with the formation of the cosmos, whatever created the universe had to be eternal (not subject to time) and immutable (not subject to change).

Since something eternal, immutable and impersonal has no will to effect new changes, it can never decide to bring a universe into existence. The eternal, immutable and impersonal force will just continue to be what it is for eternity with no mutations whatsoever.

Under no circumstances could our universe be the fruit of something eternally impersonal.

So, we come to the conclusion that the universe exists thanks to someone.

Question 3: What is this ‘someone’ like?

The only logical option that remains is that the universe exists thanks to something personal, that is, a someone or a somebody. Only a someone or a somebody would be able to generate a new change by means of taking a decision (which something impersonal could never do). Intentionality belongs to the sphere of personal agents.

Another proof that the cause of the universe sports personal traits is the existence of personal-beings amongst us on our planet.

Nothing impersonal can produce something personal. An impersonal block of wood continues being impersonal no matter how many millions of times you duplicate it.

Something impersonal (a block of wood) cannot produce something living (a sheep), let alone someone personal (a human being). Only something personal can engender personality.

So, what other attributes must this someone special have?

First of all, since this person existed before time began, it would have to be eternal (not subject to time) and immutable (not subject to change).

Secondly, since this person existed before space and weight began, it would have to be spiritual (not material).

Thirdly, since this person created the universe, it would have to be enormously powerful.

Fourthly, given the intricate laws and fine-precision that govern our universe, this person would have to be remarkably wise and intelligent, a type of cosmic-genius.


So, in simple terms, the creator of the universe is personal, eternal, immutable, spiritual, almighty and wise.


Who could it be?

Any ideas?




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Respondiendo a

Will Graham
15:56 h
The origin of the universe isn't a scientific question. Whatever exists before the time-space continuum is beyond the bounds of science. Thanks for the input. I doubt it's impersonal for the reasons mentioned above. Enjoy your weekend, WG
Respondiendo a Will Graham

14:37 h
Not sure it’s a good argument. The universe could be eternal, and then, NOT have been created. It’s not a “scientific” impossibility.

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