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Protestante Digital



Sometimes it is hard to be flexible in your spiritual life and try to follow Jesus' footsteps in all aspects of life.

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 04 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2022 17:00 h
Photo: [link]Mārtiņš Zemlickis[/link]. Unsplash (CC0).

One of the most firmly held traditions in the world of athletics was brought about unwittingly by Queen Alexandra of England, during the 1908 London Olympics.

The marathon started at Windsor Castle and ended in the stadium in London. The distance was 26 miles 385 yards so that the race could finish directly in front of Queen Alexandra in the royal box.

Since then, that is the official distance of the marathon. Before that, it varied with each race.

Sometimes it is hard to be flexible in your spiritual life and try to follow Jesus' footsteps in all aspects of life.

Sometimes doubts about our abilities assail us. Sometimes we honestly wonder what God would do in our shoes, especially since many things exist today that were unknown in ancient times.

How can we face all these new challenges?

1. Remember that sin is always sin, and evil is always evil. The end doesn't justify the means. Obey God's word, without exceptions.

2. Don't allow your freedom to disturb others. By the same token, you can't judge others for disagreeing with you.

3. Be clear in your mind about what you can and can't participate in. If you can't do something in confidence and faith, best leave it.

4. Be honest with yourself and with the Lord. Don't try to justify something that you know (or suspect) is wrong.

5. Anything that contaminates your mind is destructive, however innocent it looks.

6. Anything that controls you is a bad choice. Only God should control your life. If you can't stop doing something, it's bad for you.

7. Anything that contaminates your body is sin. We are temples of the Holy Spirit, and we should take the best possible care of our temple.

8. Any evil thing, however small, should be removed from your life. Little sins lead to bigger ones.

9. Anything that you cannot do in the name of Lord is suspect and should be avoided.

10. Even some good things are not beneficial. Have the wisdom to stop doing things that are not God's will for you.




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