jueves, 13 de febrero de 2025   inicia sesión o regístrate
Protestante Digital

Alain Auderset

Will you be able to hear the call of the fiancé?

Saying, ‘I want to make the most of life before following God,’ is to have understood nothing about what He is, nor what He gives.

APPOINTMENT WITH GOD AUTOR 11/Alain_Auderset TRADUCTOR Nicky Seadon 10 DE OCTUBRE DE 2015 19:05 h
alain auderset, evangelical focus, forest Image: Alain Auderset.

Wow! I have come straight back from my walk in the forest.

I was walking there with the Lord Almighty in person!

We spoke about strategies for reaching the world and about his fiancée the Church (that’s you… and He loves you so much…).

I had visions, took paths I had never walked on before, and the deep forest revealed to me secret delicate scents that were unfamiliar to me.

The words of my Master (contained in the Bible) work in me and produce an outpouring of deserved admiration for the exceptional being that He is.

I feel a power – awesome and gentle at the same time – circulating in me, reaching my very fingertips…

Yes, whatever the opposition and the mocking of this world against simple faith.

Yes, whatever the trials and tribulations to come, the corrupted power of the great here below…

… I am with the Lord Almighty, who carries me. 

He is the one who calls the tune, who will have the last word, he is the one who is the Master of the universes (known and unknown) and of the times, he is the one who is my Friend…

That’s a little of what I experienced this morning…

That’s what you maybe miss out on when you say:

‘I haven’t got the time…’

Whether it’s in the forest or in the secrecy of your bedroom, the Lord is waiting for you there now

Saying, ‘I want to make the most of life before following God,’ is to have understood nothing about what He is, nor what He gives.




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