Those who suffer most in conflict zones are children and young people with additional needs and disabilities.
Let all of our interactions with children and young people with additional needs be honouring to them.
Over 340 million Europeans in 19 countries use the currency today. The creation of a digital euro is among the challenges ahead, which could have “far-reaching implications for societies in the future”, says a Christian analyst.
Anna Lara Burguera used to sing in her parents’ band Sal150 (Psalm 150) and was very involved in her local church.
A new survey shows that “the vast majority of US evangelicals are largely satisfied with their church”. Outreach and in-depth teaching are the weakest of the 14 areas surveyed.
A checklist of ideas to have a great, inclusive, start to the New Year in children’s and youth groups and to create a place where everyone belongs.
They fear being excluded and losing job opportunities, a research among members of ethnic and religious minorities in Norway shows.
In an in-depth interview, British pastor and author Sam Allberry analyses the debates around sexual identity, freedom of speech, marriage, and abuse in Christian contexts. Watch the video.
A resolution of the Council of 47 European countries recommends to focus on sexual education, online protection and security, and strong regulation.
A survey found that, while 33% of 18- to 34-year-olds plan to visit a place of worship during Christmas, only 17% of British over 55 will attend one.
The event, organised by an evangelical association, offered training on pro-life issues and finished with a flashmob in the center of Madrid.
“You don’t have to take the Bible so literally. It’s just like poetry from which you can learn life lessons”, said the Dutch Crown Princess Amalia as she turned 18.
Sometimes we need to risk sticking our heads out over the parapet to look beyond our own church, organisation, neighbourhood or nation.
The meeting of the Spanish evangelical youth leaders brought together over 100 participants to strengthen ties and reflect on the challenges of youth ministry.
Scientists and Christians currently both believe in a starting point for creation, but then diverge from there. An article by Terry Young.
No event can ultimately be tragic because, thanks to God’s undeserved grace, every experience in our life is ultimately for the good.
Over 100 women have already registered in a newly created platform for female Christian speakers in German-speaking countries. Theologian Evi Rodemann explains her vision for mentoring.
Only 38% say they talk about their beliefs with others. 68% of French think religion can help to pass on positive values to young people.
Among the Christian Gen Zs, there is a proactive approach to putting their faith into action, as they believe it to be closely aligned with social justice.
The plight of many families with disabled children hasn’t received the media attention that it so deserves and needs.
The technology-evangelists’ goal is to provide products and services that are so compelling, easy to access, and intuitive to use that we can’t help but adopt them.
Two children's associations are suing France's leading internet providers. 1 out of 3 French 12-year-olds has been exposed to pornography.
Get ready to receive the baton, run on and hand it over.
Prior to the march itself, a ‘LifeFest 21’ event took place, with testimonies, children activities and workshops.
“Society is not fully aware of the danger of gambling”, warns the Spanish Evangelical Psychologists Group. The average profile is a 25 year-old-male online player.
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