As the Evangelical Alliance United Kingdom we are vehemently opposed to this bill and communicated as such. We are speaking with MPs and write submission to the parliament committee.
Trans World Radio's Farsi ministry shares Jesus through various media, from radio to the metaverse.
Research at European Union level warns that there are many citizens who feel involuntarily isolated. Psychologist Josep Araguàs points to technology and the ageing of the population and emphasises the relational role of churches.
In Spain, abolitionist NGO Amar Dragoste has studied the drastic increase of young women trafficked from Colombia and points to the rise of recruitment on platforms such as OnlyFans.
‘Firm and secure anchor’ was the theme of the events held in the cities of Albacete and Oviedo.
In just one week, Fulani herdsmen killed 48 Christians, including women and children, many were on their way to church services.
They held two public events, a crowded one in the centre of Madrid, and a conference with political presence.
Christians say that “the Cuban state refuses to open spaces for the exercise of fundamental rights”, and denounce the application of heavy fines to religious leaders.
A recent study highlights the rise of atheism among young women. Among those under 30, women are now more likely than men to be atheists, which is exceptional.
Carmen Hombre Ponzoa, a teacher in Spain, was imprisoned and later executed while pregnant, together with her husband. She belonged to the small Protestant minority.
In 2023, 103,097 abortions were performed in Spain, an increase of 4.8% over the previous year. The pharmacological method is on the rise.
A macro-study of the government to combat trafficking shows that over 114,000 women are in prostitution. The Minister for Equality hopes to pass an abolitionist law similar to the French one. Evangelical organisations support it.
The Anglican Church of Pakistan welcomes an initiative that will “pave the way for unified action on forced conversions of underage girls and misuse of the blasphemy laws”.
The bill aims to give better alternatives to mothers in fragile economic situations. In Italy, evangelicals welcome it as a way of complying with the 1978 law.
“In terms of resources invested and people assisted, evangelical social action would be among the largest NGOs in our country”, says the head of evangelical social action.
OF is the personification of pornography. The empty promise is to offer its clients a space for interaction with women they desire, in the vague hope that they will not only get pleasure but also virtual companionship and intimacy.
Abortions soar by 17% in 2022 after the implementation of early abortion procedures at home, which accounted for six out of ten pregnancy terminations.
The project installed 10 video monitors in waiting areas with short messages to prevent exploitation. Nearly 80% of European victims of human trafficking come from Romania.
A study analyses how culture influences the burnout experience and implications for member care.
United Nations experts say Christian and Hindu girls remain particularly vulnerable to forced religious conversion, abduction, trafficking, child marriage, domestic servitude and sexual violence.
From 17-20 March, 72 Christian women with influence in church leadership, business and institutions gathered for the ‘Rise in Strength’ global consultation.
Türkiye is closely linked to the historical narrative of Christianity, yet today less than one percent of Turks identify as Christian.
Aglow held its largest conference ever in the Southern European country, providing a space for encounter, reflection and evangelical unity around the gospel.
The Evangelical Alliance encouraged believers to “vote according with their conscience and as the Lord leads them” but its director Nick Park said marriage should not be equated in the Constitution to any durable relationship.
An evangelical feminist in Spain looks with sadness at the constitutionalisation of abortion in the neighbouring country.
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