Think about it for a moment. Are you prepared to die? Many do not even want to hear the message of God, for they are too busy living their lives.
While the engraver engraved "Spain" into the trophy for the fourth time, the television audience saw a Bible verse in the background.
Only those who are full of the Spirit of God will have learned to wait for the right moment. Victory comes to those who know how to wait.
Every little detail of your preparation will build the character of the message, but the defining moments will fundamentally change the outcome of your process.
Each day that goes by God's children are closer to glory, to heaven, and to God's presence.
Last minute preparation is not ideal, but it is possible and it is still better to prepare as much as you can, rather than not prepare at all.
It is a great temptation to leave God 'for later on'. Please, stop the process before it is too late.
In the story of redemption, God enters into our vulnerability. He does not keep bad things from happening even to himself – as the God-man.
Items that can be helpful in supporting children and young people with a range of additional needs.
Who we are becoming will determine how we are able or unable to deal with the crises in Europe.
The most important time of each day is the time that you dedicate to being alone with your Creator.
The Dutch Bible Society releases a study on the meaning, reading habits and impact of the Bible in the Netherlands.
When time is called, will you be happy, or will you regret wasting time?
"Justice While Fleeing" looks at the situation of asylum seekers from different contexts. A doc by the intercultural working community of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance.
What Old Testament prophets would say if they travelled through time and visited our churches today? What would they say to preachers?
It is not enough to become informed in preparation for preaching. That truth needs to soak into our lives and bring about some level of transformation.
I want to make more of my time as far as reading is concerned. A lot of that motivation has come from taking a couple of hours to organise my shelves.
A lot of ministry happens on fairly short notice. The weekly rhythm keeps ticking like a metronome, and it tends to get interrupted by emergencies.
God wants each one of us to accept him as Lord of our lives, since that is the only way our lives will have meaning.
We are not here forever. Ageing makes us face up to our mortality. It tells us about more than just the “vanity” of life.
There are lots of things to be aware of between the beginning of the service and the sermon itself.
Sermon preparation may be a struggle, even a battle at times, but every moment is a privilege.
The Bible says that time is running out. Those of us who have already acknowledged Him as Lord will live with Him forever.
A multimedia project shares the gospel through short films that tell the testimony of people in all 52 Spanish provinces whose lives where restored by Jesus.
This New Year we need to remember what is unchanging, so it can anchor us for the year ahead.
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