“Despite the pain of that death, it was not a senseless death. We were able to bear witness of the faith that Alfonso had in Jesus”, recalls the pastor of the church he attended in the Basque Country.
Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia and doctor of philosophy, has surprisingly recounted in his blog how, when and why he made the decision to follow Jesus.
Several Christian entrepreneurs in Spain have recently been recognised for their exemplary work.
The social media influencer with 745,000 followers on Instagram speaks about her journey from a new age lifestyle to finding salvation in Jesus.
There is a loss of comfort: the town is not what it used to be. There is indignation with the politicians. But there are also the unresolved questions: Why am I alive and others are not? Why did I lose only my car while others lost their homes and businesses?
We had no electricity, no phone network, not much else we could do. My daughter suggested reading a Psalm and praying for those neighbours who we eventually learned were rescued.
Youth With A Mission and the National Council of Evangelicals of France organise this initiative during the four days of the city traditional festival.
The Racing Club of Argentina beat Cruzeiro of Brazil. “God gives me strength, encouragement and peace”, says the defender.
At least 213 people have died and dozens have disappeared in various towns in the regions of Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha and Andalusia.
“In this sad time, it gives me great joy that the church is showing how God's love tastes”, says a pastor in Jeseník, one of the towns most affected in the Czech Republic.
Keily Murillo tells the testimony of how a raging fire changed her business vision and brought her closer to God.
Muriel Furrer, a young cyclist in Switzerland, died while competing in the World Championships. She was 18 years old and had a deep faith in Christ, which she often expressed on social media.
A tribute to Daniel Bourdanné (1959-2024). By Bryn Rickards and Sarah Hannington.
All plenaries, workshops and roundtables were oriented towards the proclamation of the Gospel in our personal and collective spheres of influence.
The summer of 2024 has been a unique time, and we thank God for all that he did through this period and also for the fruit he will produce.
My pilgrimage started on the other side of the world and has taken me from place to place before eventually starting a new Fountain tribe in the Netherlands.
An interview with Martha Ramírez Uribe, a Christian art dealer with 30 years of experience.
At the national parliament’s square, 1,000 listened to testimonies of persecuted Christians, displayed flags of countries where there is no religious freedom, and prayed in front of a symbolic mass grave.
At the age of 32, Paris will be the sixth edition in which the Christian swimmer participates. In total she has won 29 medals, 16 of them gold.
The joyful and courageous way in which the German Olympic gold medalist in the shot put has publicly expressed her faith is a lesson for all European Christians.
The greatest sporting competition in the world helps us to reflect on success and failure.
The Christian athlete is the first Dominican to win gold at an Olympic Games. “The power of God is great”, she said after the final.
It is the 6th time she broke her own world record of the 400-meter hurdles. “I have a platform and I want to use it to glorify Him”.
The Australian athlete repeats her triumph in Tokyo 2021. She is very outspoken about her faith:. “My heart for sport is to see revival”.
Around 200 people listen to the word of God in the 30-minute beach services organised by the 300 participants of Reach Mallorca, along with local churches.
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