Evangelicals are the only ones who have experienced a relative growth. There are 50,000 more than last year, the ISMU survey says.
According to a Pew Research survey, “52 countries impose high levels of restrictions on religion, up from 40 in 2007”. Social hostilities have grown even more.
Only 2 in 10 Spaniards are practicing Catholics, according to official statistics. Half of young people identify as either Atheists, Agnostics or indifferent.
1,400 of the 6,900 buildings in the country now serve other purposes: offices, museums, housing, etc.
The number of people fleeing war, persecution and conflict exceeded 70 million globally last year. Churches worldwide will celebrate World Refugee Sunday on June 23.
At least 20 big events were held in open air locations, with music, preaching and food. 90 pastors baptised around 500 people in the Elb river.
“Nones” are a majority but cities are now more religious than rural areas, analysts say. Evangelicals grow to 1.6% of the population.
Several universities has launched the study ‘Understanding Unbelief’.“Atheists and agnostics endorse the realities of objective moral values at similar rates to the general populations”.
There are 331 municipalities of more than 5,000 inhabitants with no evangelical church. Reaching them “continues to be one of the great shortcomings of the mission in Spain”.
Images of child rape are available online long after the victims are rescued, the Internet Watch Foundation said in a recent report. “The cause of the problem is the demand”.
A survey among members of the EKD mainline church confirms the advance of theological liberalism.
The Southern European country has transitioned from national Catholicism to secularism in only 25 years.
96% of young people between 14 and 24 use instant messaging as their preferred means of communication with family and friends.
“Since 1992, civil marriages have increasingly outnumbered religious marriages”, the Office for National Statistics says. Religious ceremonies now account for less than a quarter of all weddings.
“Nones” represent 23.1% of the population, evangelicals 22,8%, and Catholics 23%. “Those of no religious faith will be the largest group in America in the next five years”.
A YouGov survey shows that “substantial portions of Western respondents” believe Islam is incompatible with society.
Wealth is increasingly and unfairly concentrated among a privileged few. Jesus said: “Watch out! Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions”.
There are 4,238 evangelical places of worship in the country. Evangelical Christians are the religious minority with the greatest presence in the country.
Evangelical Focus ended 2018 with 309,000 visits, the best year so far.
Nearly one in every five of all pregnancies in the UK ends with a termination. In Spain, 10% of all women between 15 and 44 have aborted.
Gone are the days when you had to enter a dingy betting shop to wager a fiver. Now you place a bet with just one tap or swipe on a smartphone.
With more than 4,000 places of worship, evangelicals continue to advance in number in Spain. In an interview, researcher Máximo Álvarez analyzes this increase.
The world's total fertility rate declined from 4.7 births in 1950 to 2.4 in 2017.
A survey commissioned by the Coalition for Family shows that 13% back including incest in a legal definition of marriage.
Sweden is the country with the highest language proficiency. On the lower end is the United Kingdom.
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