A report shows that forced labour and forced marriage have risen significantly in the last five years, specially among women and children.
A study shows that 26% of pastors have personally struggled with mental issues. Most leaders talk about mental health at church and feel equipped to provide help.
There were 107 legal abortions in 2021, 90% less than the previous year. “The biggest problem now is illegal abortions using pills”, pro-life groups warn.
A survey shows that among millennials and Generation Z, girls are more likely than boys to reject any religious approach.
According to a report by the US embassy in the country, they increased from 12% in 2008 to 26%-30% in 2020. It is the faith that has grown the most.
The United Bible Societies reported that there has been an increase of 5.5%.although distribution challenges “are still high”, due to the pandemic.
For the first time, less than half of Germans belong to one of the two mainstream churches.
A survey says most German Protestants agree that social union is weakening. The government proposed mandatory voluntary service for young people.
John Stevens leads the FIEC, one of the church groups escaping the negative trend: “The gospel alone is God’s power for salvation, it is not surprising that faithful churches are growing”.
Official data show that 53% were fully performed at home. The government is planning to make those abortions permanent, like in England and Wales.
Evangelicals denounce that “gambling laws are outdated” and urge the government to take measures to solve a problem that is “a gateway to an addiction”.
Uncertainty and discontentment give the far-right a chance to win the Presidential election on Sunday. But Protestants continue to support Macron, says researcher Sebastien Fath.
A report shows that there were 2,699 deaths from euthanasia in 2021, an increase of 10.39%. Most of them were performed at home to patients over 70.
A report finds that the pandemic has accelerated the loss of religiosity in Spanish society, especially among those under the age of 34.
It is the lowest figure since official statistics were first collected in 1996. Unlike other countries, the pandemic has not increased the number of terminations.
Statistics show that membership dropped around 2.5% in one year. The EKD says a lack of religious socialisation and “personal irrelevance” are some of the reasons.
Some pediatric researchers estimate that 5 million minors have lost a parent or caregiver due to Covid-19. “The impact on a psychological level is very strong”, explains a Christian psychologist.
The Catholic population in the city has decreased over 35% in 20 years, according to official data. In four districts there are already more other Christian churches than Catholic temples.
A 2022 report by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity shows that Pentecostals are the fastest growing Christian denomination worldwide.
Afghanistan is new at the top of the Open Doors WWL 2022. Discover the full list.
A new survey shows that “the vast majority of US evangelicals are largely satisfied with their church”. Outreach and in-depth teaching are the weakest of the 14 areas surveyed.
Self-identified Christians were 73% of the population in 2011 - they are now 63%, says a Pew Research study. Protestantism is the faith group that has suffered the biggest secularisation.
Over the past 20 years, prison authorities encourage the creation of units run by evangelical inmates. “We bring peace to the prisons”, says a pastor in the city of Rosario.
Official statistics show that 51% of the general population adheres to Christianity, more women than men. London is the most religiously diverse region in the UK.
A survey concludes that 9 in 10 attend their church’s worship service every week. 63% of respondents do volunteer work and 40% identify with right-wing parties.
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