Some of the ideas about mission and society shared at the #2018ELF conference in Poland.
The website will be launched before summer, offering opinion and information from a Latin American context. ‘Evangélico Digital’ is linked to ‘Evangelical Focus’ through the ‘Areópago Protestante’ media group.
Audio and video clips from individuals have been key features in a number of scandals in the public square. Now a new type of video manipulation is going to make it harder to tell the real from the fake in the digital world.
The migrant crisis now forms part of imaginary technology through different initiatives and platforms, such as mobile phone apps and videogames.
RZIM International Director Michael Ramsden responds to questions about the secularisation of Europe, the role of Christians in public leadership and the new ‘culture of victimism’.
“It is good to know that all apps (especially the freebies!) come with a price: your personal data”, says social media expert Cosmin Cret.
The inventor of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, is pessimistic about the future of the Internet. The lack of freedom and the concentration of power in “a handful of platforms” are not good signs.
Virtual reality, 5G and artificial intelligence are among some of the services highlighted in the latest edition of the Mobile World Congress. “What do we contribute apart from the trace of our fingerprints?”, asks IT engineer Jesús Muñoz.
The need to shut down once a week.
Swiss cartoonist Alain Auderset produces an animated short film for social media platforms about the meaning of Grace.
A video about the way traffickers target teenage girls online, produced by anti-slavery gorup Abolishion.
Talent show singers Amaia and Alfred will perform the ballad in Lisbon. Songwriter Sylvia Santoro: “I believe God has put things in the right place and time”.
Decisions are increasingly influenced by the fleeting diktat of popular opinion
The World Cup champion says: “Father, it was much more than I could ever imagined. Thank you! I’m now ready for the next journey. In Jesus’ name, Amen”.
The Bible gives us extensive guidance on how his heart functions, but there are many situations where we will also need that extra dimension of Spirit leading to help us apply the Bible to our current situation.
The meausre applies to all pupils up to age of 15. Teachers are tired of the “unending war” against these devices.
One third of the users around the world are minors, the newest report of the agency for cihldren explains. “Many have a digital footprint before they can even walk or talk”.
Mattel posts pictures on Instagram of dolls wearing “Love wins” t-shirts.
Dave Patty encourages parents and leaders to have ongoing conversations with teenagers, because “young people are under tremendous pressure”.
The European Freedom Network, formed by more than 200 partner organisations, becomes a legal entity. Experts, campaigners and Christian workers shared resources at the 2017 “Bridge” conference.
The new video of the European Freedom Network addresses the dangers of social media.
When ‘alternative facts’ take over from truth, a culture is in big trouble. What can we do as Christians?
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland is the only Nordic national church which doesn’t celebrate same-sex marriages. The Church Synod of the church discussed intensively about it in May.
“We believe Bhatti is innocent and will be freed by the high court, but it will take several years for his case to be heard by the high court”, an advocate says.
“We’re going to make it simpler to report problems”, Mark Zuckerberg says. Since 2016, at least 50 criminal or violent incidents have been broadcast over Facebook Live.
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