A Pew Research survey shows that 47% of religiously unaffiliated adults have experienced any form of online harassment. It happens most among those under the age of 30.
The father of four young children had been sentenced to five years in prison and fined 100,000 dinars. “That this story goes back three years and only now it’s resurfacing – it’s hard to digest”, says the church that supports his family.
When we consider new ideas, our inner radar ponders, “Is it popular?” as much as “Is it true?”.
A survey by Lifeway Research in the US concludes that “more of the conspiracy theories are traveling in politically conservative circles”.
A well-concocted rumor can circulate for many years and do considerable damage. Let us think of the hoax whereby Christians of the first centuries worshiped a God with a donkey's head. By Pier Francesco Abortivi.
Critics say the WEF's latest initiative is a threat to democracy. Economist Amar Breckenridge: “Unfortunately, evangelicalism has proven to be a fertile ground for such conspiratorial thinking”.
Victor Glover, one of the crew of the International Space Station, published two images of the sun shining just over the Earth’s horizon.
All of the different things that Christmas brings can be really hard for children with special needs to cope with.
The National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka publishes a report analysing messages in social media against religious minorities.
This book enables us to extend the conversation and consider further how to put people not devices at the centre of our lives.
Jonathan Ebsworth of Tech Human shares practical tips. “Real embodied human relationships are messy and difficult, but it is where we can find true love and acceptance; even if the digital world feels more accepting”.
Europe and other regions in the world are trying to control the power of large companies such as Amazon, Google or Alibaba. But there is no agreement about what the rules should be, says expert Jonathan Ebsworth.
The population that identifies as non-religious has grown by about 10% in Morocco, a survey says. Disillusionment and a waning trust in religious leaders are among the main reasons.
The candidacy of the Côte d'Ivoire's current president has polarised society “Pray that the upcoming elections do not plunge our country further into violence”.
I had tried a number of solutions. Buying a new mattress. Reducing caffeine. Eating better. I didn’t know what else to try until the major culprit revealed itself: technology.
An interview with the new Trans World Radio (TWR) Farsi Ministry Director. “I pray God will again be honored and praised in my country, as He was during the reign of Darius”.
A Cuban pastor started using it on social media, after a pro-regime theologian appeared on national television denying the miracles of Jesus Christ.
How new tools can be used to securely lead mission teams.
Technology is fast encroaching on family primacy and we are seeing an increasingly premature loss of childhood innocence. The author encourages parents to be approachable, calm, informed and realistic.
In Europe, hundreds of churches have joined to sing versions of “The Blessing” in their own language. See some of the videos.
The National Council of Evangelicals of France collected the data of 580 churches. 8 in 10 congregations have used video conferences and other online tools during the Covid-19 lockdown.
“This is an attempt to offer an holistic view of how Christian practice and the coronavirus are connected”, says Jason Mandryk, the author of Operation World.
The new Evangelical Focus is more readable, adapts to all devices and shares our vision better. Readers will have to update their user and newsletters preferences.
More than 40 million people used Bible reading apps and websites, sharing around 15 million verses on Easter Sunday.
With internet and video saturation at an all-time high, Christians need more than a transmission of a message. A new platform offers training to churches in Europe.
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