An evangelical doctor working in Spain with Covid-19 patients shares his experience. “I am not a hero, I know I can get the virus and die. But I am sure that whatever happens, the Lord is with me”.
The 2020 World Press Freedom Index shows that “China censored their major coronavirus outbreaks extensively”. Norway is at the top and North Korea becomes the most dangerous country for journalists.
Evangelical women from the Spanish city of Lugo sew medical protective materials that have already been delivered to eleven health centers in the region.
“We live in a completely overwhelming situation”, a worker of an evangelical nursing home says. Personnel and material is scarce and solidary initiatives have been strarted to provide resources.
The Evangelical Hospital of Barcelona has set up a special area for Covid-19 patients. They ask churches to pray for them “to continue being a light in the midst of this pandemic”.
Christian doctors, nurses and other health care workers tell us how they are living the coronavirus crisis.
“We need to realise that behind the trends, ideologies and mindsets that we face, there are spiritual realities”, says the general secretary of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance.
The alarming trends among teenagers have forced experts to raise their voice. Evangelical author Olof Edsinger: “Of course, there is a theological truth, but science really goes a long way in challenging the queer and trans ideology”.
Three days before his death, Kizito Mihigo was accused of attempting to illegally flee the country and joining rebel groups, and arrested. Rwandan police reported they found him dead in his cell.
Ava realises that the best way to support her friend Edgar the dragon is not to try and change him, but to help him find a way to be involved and included.
The gahtering of the Graduates Bible Groups in Spain challenged Christians professionals to share the beauty of the Christian faith with their coworkers - with excellence, respect and responsibility.
Thirty-three nurses participate in the NCFI leaders conference to build up the work amongst them in Europe. “Our identity in Christ is what makes the difference”, a participant says.
Small blessings are still blessings; if it’s good, then it comes from above (James 1:17).
The City Council develops a plan to regulate gambling access and advertising. Psychologists warn against seeing “sports betting as just another social entertainment”.
The Bible teaches that blessings and curses cannot spring from the same source.
Jesus message of selflessness, putting others first, serving others, loving others, is counter-cultural in today’s society.
The YWAM and Operation Blessing project aims “to be a refuge” for the thousands that cross the border everyday “to find spiritual food and help in anything they need”.
Spanish newspaper El País interviewed Nancy Roncesvalles, the director of the Gospel Choir of Madrid since its foundation.
The International Social Advertising Festival recognized the choir’s “social commitment to the environment” and to those in need through its solidarity concerts.
In the Bible, often the word “listen” is synonymous with “obey”.
Instead of pushing for tolerance, norm critical pedagogy tries to influence people (even small children) to distance themselves from the two-sex norm.
A series of short video documentaries provide cutting-edge information about missiological issues defined in the Cape Town Commitment. The evangelical movement aims to spark thoughtful discussion and action.
The world's total fertility rate declined from 4.7 births in 1950 to 2.4 in 2017.
Joanne Appleton talks about nominalism with three attendees at the Lausanne Rome consultation: Tim Grass, Jaume Llenas and Olof Edsinger.
God chose to assume all risks and to give of himself sacrificially, so that we may glimpse what love is.
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