According to research, 44% of Portuguese evangelical churches were started after the year 2001. Many pastors are from Brazil but 7 in 10 new believers are nationals.
The Breccia di Roma has paid €12,000 in legal fees to defend their right to a have a recognised worship place. “As a minority, you have to work two to three times harder to access what other groups have more easily”.
A letter signed by 27 leaders states that the process to bless same-sex couples would be “unlawful, unconstitutional, and illegitimate”.
TIME Magazine coined the phrase ‘Jesus Revolution’ to describe the sudden surge in young people turning to the Christian faith in the ’70s.
The regional parliament tries to solve the problem of worship places and creates an Interreligious Council for faith minorities.
Attackers entered the worship place, smashed windows, destroyed the prayer room, and wrote the message: “The last prophet was Mohamed”.
Around 70 people from 10 countries came to Poland.
Janet Sewell has written a MA dissertation on how this new technology intersects with the mission of the church. “Let’s not forget that God's message has practically always been mediated”, she says.
Evicted from its church building in February 2021, banned from meeting for worship in the church car park, Minsk's New Life Pentecostal Church has now seen its building bulldozed.
For four days, women leaders from 20 European countries gathered in Sarajevo to learn, discuss and network with one another.
Pete Lupton, of the Czech Christian ministry NePornu: “The gospel offers grace to those hooked”.
Around 300 people joined an experimental 45-minute programme of the German Evangelical Church. 98% was created and performed by machines.
“Our reputation among the non-Roma people is very recognisable in a good way”, says Pastor Selim Alijevic. Before having a building, the church helped start two dozens of other congregations.
Most drivers who enter these worship places built in service stations across the country are over 50 and stay around fifteen minutes.
Unlike a romantic relationship where feelings are shared and commitments publicly made, friendship’s informality can make it hard to know where we stand.
The event takes place every year to celebrate Pentecost. “We long for people to become familiar with who Jesus is”, say the organisers.
The European Freedom Network (EFN) asks parliamentarians in Brussels to pass legislation that forces companies to identify and address human exploitation.
The president got over 52% of the vote and will lead the county five more years. Christians and other minorities still face restrictions in their freedoms.
The European Leadership Forum conference in Wisla (Poland) underlined the importance of public evangelism. Over 750 prayed together and networked for mission.
TWR’s Central and Eastern Europe ministries include 15 countries and 18 language groups, partnering with like-minded organizations.
Images of the European Leadership Conference which is gathering 750 evangelical leaders from across the continent in Wisla, Poland. Gospel integrity is one of the main themes.
The Bible expositions and evening plenaries of the European Leadership Forum (19-24 May) in Wisla will be streamed online.
160 people gathered in Barcelona to reflect on the need to prioritise Europe in the mission.
Let us appreciate the privilege of gathered worship and declare with joy that this world is a lie.
Who we are becoming will determine how we are able or unable to deal with the crises in Europe.
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