In the Church, non-authoritarian servant leadership does not mean defaulting to democratic or congregational rule but a ‘true theocracy’ that acknowledges the priesthood of all believers.
Spain is still coming to terms with the dictator’s legacy. “Our parents and grandparents resisted the political persecution and harassment”, recall evangelicals. Many were incarcereted.
Jay Smith (Islam expert and co founder of the Pfander Centre for Apologetics) in a talk about Islam's origins, the reasons of Daesh's terrorist attacks and executions; and how Christians should respond.
Who are Daesh? Where do they come from? Where have they gained authority among some Muslims? How should Christians respond? Radical Islam expert Jay Smith answers to these questions in a talk given at the European Leadership Forum.
A Roman Catholic agency informs about an ecumenical meeting which would have brought 150 representatives of 7 religions to North Korea this week.
Both men called each other “Mr”, to avoid saying “president” so as not to give legitimacy to each other’s governments.
In light of the stigmatisation of large groups of newcomers in our societies, it is important to stress the common humanity of all human beings, and of the equal dignity we all posses in the eyes of God.
Ninety European evangelical leaders from 16 different countries joined in Madrid to share and explore better ways to develop church planting in Europe.
Where are the Christian leaders with faith capable of moving the whole society towards profound transformation?
How to respond to the moral fall of some Christian leaders? “A clear conscience of sin and confession are indispensable to start restoration”, says psychiatrist Pablo Martinez.
Hope is not simply a virtue or bonus of life, but it is an essential anthropological given – a primary human emotion that is often overlooked in research.
The invitation-only congress brings together hundreds of evangelical Christian leaders from across Europe for specialised training, mentoring, resource sharing, and networking.
Hyeon Soo Lim visited the country more than 100 times, helping build an orphanage and a nursing home. After six months detained, he appeared apologising for his “indescribable treason”.
Youth worker Mark Matlock shares some principles about how the church can help young people in their path with Jesus. A video of the IDEAS project (Spain).
CNEF director Clément Diedrichs tells Evangelical Focus: “The bad news became an opportunity to clarify who we are, the evangelical branch inside of Protestantism in France.”
Economics should take into account the relational aspect of men as it structures society for human flourishing.
Michael W. Smith talked to Evangelical Focus in his visit to Barcelona. Prayer, the power of music and differences between the USA and Europe, some of the topics.
Participants from across Europe met in Poland to connect, share projects and study the Bible together. Ajith Fernando, Michael Oh and dozens of other speakers encouraged participants to join God's mission.
Biological fatherhood can help us as an image to explain how we can walk with someone in their relationship with God. An answer by Henryk Wieja, from Poland.
Even music –when it is given too much prominence in the house of God- can become a hindrance rather than a blessing.
How many times have you felt that your life has no direction, no sense to live? Even in Christ, many people may think that there is no place to go, or whom to talk with.
A good part of what we do in front of the mirror and in front of others as well, is to put on makeup and cover-up whatever we’re unable to accept. Something similar happens in our day to day life as well, in front of the mirror of the Word.
What is love? What does it mean to love someone? Is it to have a checklist of actions we have done for others? Is it an emotion we are supposed to feel?
It is clear that, to be able to grow, human beings need to be interdependent- be it within the family, the couple, friendships, work or hobby.
Greg Pritchard talks about the exciting connections happening in Europe between evangelical leaders with a heart for God’s mission.
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