Volunteers of the Christian project I58 serve the needs of asylum seekers in the Moria refugee camp. Their community centre offers “tea and biscuits to around 500 to 700 people per day”.
The Modern Christian Mission church in Fuerteventura is hosting over newly arrived 150 migrants. “The island is helpless in matters of migration, we only have God”, the pastor says.
Refugee Sunday will be on 21 June. In a new document about the refugee crisis, European evangelicals call “to pray, consider your country’s response and speak up”.
Norbert Valley had been previously condemned for breaking the Foreigners Law for offering lodging to a Togolese man. “We must work to change the law”, the pastor said as he left the courts.
The leader of the German Evangelical Alliance says the lack of humanity in returning Christian converts to Islamist countries harms Germany’s own value system.
The fields around the Greek the refugee camp are “oversaturated”. Pau Abad, a volunteer on the ground, shares about the “hopelessness” of the hundreds of families who continue to arrive every week and will face “a very tough winter”.
The Italian politician’s worldview precludes the teachings of the good Samaritan, despising it as naïve do-goodism.
I can tell you that people whose presence I once resented have become good friends. That is what the gospel does!
The Christian workers demanded asylum in Germany after their church activities were countered with regular verbal and physical aggressions.
The number of people fleeing war, persecution and conflict exceeded 70 million globally last year. Churches worldwide will celebrate World Refugee Sunday on June 23.
A church in Lugo welcomes families of refugees from Latin America who arrive in the city. “A space of security where the Christian community can be open and inclusive”.
The President of Austria says he has re-joined the Protestant Church. “Not just church members” should follow the values of the Sermon of the Mount.
The Supreme Court rejects the petition of Islamist extremists. Her lawyer hopes the Christian woman falsely accused of blasphemy will be granted asylum in another country.
Interior Minister Matteo Salvini accepted the proposal of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy and the Waldensian Church.
An interview with Julia Doxat-Purser, the socio-political representative of the European Evangelical Alliance. “Our main working style in Brussels is behind the scenes and face to face influence, in personal conversations with the people who are shaping the ideas”.
Authorities deny reports which said the Christian woman had left Pakistan. Italy and other countries offered asylum.
Twice-monthly social events are held for between 80-150 people, sometimes even more. The asylum seekers and refugees cook meals from their own countries, with occasional British cuisine.
The 2019 Refugee Highway Partnership roundtable will gather practitioners and leaders in Europe around the theme “Removing barriers, embracing strangers”.
Anti-immigration Eurosceptics come third with 17.6% of the vote. Long negotiations to form a government ahead.
“As a Christian, the principle of loving my neighbour leads my way of life”, says Norbert Valley. He has received the support of the Evangelical Alliance.
“God is using these streams of immigrants to give us the opportunity to share the gospel with them”, says the new Swedish Evangelical Alliance Secretary General Olof Edsinger. “But our politicians were quite naïve”.
Prayer meetings were organised in churches and streets. “The church has to be a voice for values and respect”, a Christian politician in the city says.
“Something will change if you have hunger and thirst for justice”, sings Spanish artist Eva Betoret in a song about the refugee crisis.
“Our well-being in Europe is a God-given gift - it obliges us to offer ourselves to help and share”, the German Evangelical Alliance says.
Arie de Pater, Brussels representative of the European Evangelical Alliance: “There is a tendency to call the migrant the problem, feeding a rhetoric in which we, Europeans, are the victims. But that is not the case”.
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