A Pew Research survey shows that 47% of religiously unaffiliated adults have experienced any form of online harassment. It happens most among those under the age of 30.
European Muslims seem to create a balance between loyalty to the global ummah and loyalty to the local state. Many seek to harmonize a Salafist claim of the true Islam with the cultural and religious pluralism of the societies they live in.
A survey by Lifeway Research in the US concludes that “more of the conspiracy theories are traveling in politically conservative circles”.
“The way young people form bonds, make meaning, and live out their values is constantly changing. This is the most diverse generation that has ever existed”, concludes a survey conducted in the US.
According to a Pew Research survey, young people tend to trust in others less. Italy has the highest rate of mistrust and Denmark the lowest.
Since March, the searches for words like fear, peace, hope and faith in Bible apps increased. “People are seeking God as they wrestle with what they faced in 2020”, You Version founder says.
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom has analysed the effects of blasphemy laws worldwide between 2014-18. 11% of the blasphemy-related incidents took place in Europe.
“We need to put more emphasis on missional discipleship”, says a report of the Lausanne Movement in Spain about how evangelical churches understand mission.
A Pew Research analysis combines data of a dozen of trusted sources. It concludes that “most of the 56 countries with high or very high levels of government restrictions on religion are in the Asia-Pacific region or the Middle East-North Africa region”.
The manual emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and encourages Christians to trust God and “be witnesses of Jesus in these times”.
The State of Theology survey released by LifeWay Research and Ligonier Ministries “reveals that many evangelicals express erroneous views that mirror the broader U.S. population”.
Would this already-ailing institution ever recover from lockdown?
“Evangelicals are sadly drifting away from God's absolute standard in Scripture”, says the chief academic officer of Ligonier Ministries, one of the authors of the survey.
World Vision and the Barna Group released a study on the values of Millennials and Generation Z and their relationship with faith issues.
“Europe is the world’s most peaceful region”, Global Peace Index says. “As Christians, our contribution to peace is to be a reflection of Jesus”, the leader of Anabaptists and Mennonites in Spain, says.
A Pew Research Center survey shows that “people in emerging economies tend to be more religious and to say that belief in God is necessary to be moral”.
The search for a vaccine against coronavirus involves historical moral debates. What do Christian scientists say about it?
A research of Christian think tank Theos, also shows that Londoners are “more conservative and civically engaged”, and “26% feel marginalised because of their beliefs”
“Churches were shut, but many have never been busier”, said the United Kingdom Evangelical Alliance as the findings of the survey ‘Changing church: Responding to the coronavirus crisis’ were presented.
“Unemployment remains a reality in several EU nations”, a study of Pew Research says, which relates it to pessimism in future expectations.
A Pew Research survey shows that 24% of adults say their faith has grown stronger, only 2% say it has become weaker.
An evangelical doctor working in Spain with Covid-19 patients shares his experience. “I am not a hero, I know I can get the virus and die. But I am sure that whatever happens, the Lord is with me”.
More than 40 million people used Bible reading apps and websites, sharing around 15 million verses on Easter Sunday.
A University of Copenhagen shows that “in March, internet searches for the topic prayer surged to the highest level during the past 5 years [...] It occurs on all continents and for Christians and Muslims”.
Overall, only 57% of Europeans see religious freedom as a “very important” right, much behind fair judiciary (87%), gender equality (85%), free internet (69%) and others.
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