By Jelena Sivulka, psychologist and Director of Hana's Hope.
Jesus is stronger than death.
Citizens from all over Europe are driving to Brussels to offer themselves as ‘Official European Chauffeurs’, willing to bring refugees to their respective countries.
The participants of the “Preaching Workshop” come from “a wide diversity of backgrounds and denominations”. One of its aims is “to train a whole new generation of Bible preachers in Spain”.
Any society that wants to survive must care for the weak and vulnerable in their midst.
We do not often remember that bitterness is one of Satan's favourite weapons.
This is God’s work, taking whispers from the margins and translating them for many to hear, speaking truth to power.
For 20 years, IDOP has united millions of Christians to denounce and pray for those who suffer persecution. This year, events are being held the first three Sundays of November.
I ask the Lord - who bore our griefs and pains - to erase the scars of the wounds and the pain of our Nigerian girl. And to show her that, for him and for all of us, she is a precious stone.
The WEA Mission Comission Consultation was held in Panama, with the theme: Polycentric mission. One of the participants, Helder Favarin, shares his views of the gathering with Evangelical Focus.
Morning always comes. We live in darkness, but we live with hope. And our hope is God Himself.
Workshops, seminars and awards were given during the annual meeting of the Alliance of Spanish Evangelical Writers and Communicators. Christians were challenged to connect contemporary culture with the gospel message.
About 7,500 said “yes to life” in Berlin, 1,700 gathered in Bern. Pro-abortion radicals organised counter-demonstrations and threatened Christian organisations.
Hundreds gathered to learn, celebrate Jesus and share experiences during the Youth Specialities Europe summit. Local churches should be “communities of forgiveness” for everyone.
The town of Mialet received 8,000 Protestants who came from across France to recall the “desert assemblies”. The yearly meeting was started more than a century ago.
A summary of the special Lausanne Movement Younger Leaders Gathering organised in Jakarta (Indonesia) in summer 2016. 1,000 delegates and 100 mentors came from 150 countries.
Michael Oh, Os Guiness, René Breuel, Rebecca Manley Pippert, Mutua Mahiani, Anne Zaki, Ravi Zacharias and others shared their views at the Lausanne Movement Younger Leaders Gathering in Jakarta (Indonesia).
So as we look to the future, what should govern our aspirations? Perhaps Jesus’ models of salt and light in Matthew 5:13-16 could give us a framework.
Around 1,000 young Christian leaders from 150 countries are participating in the 2016 Lausanne Younger Leaders Gathering, to reflect on global mission.
Half of the top ten best sellers in the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association are colouring books. "Coloring itself cannot be called art therapy", an expert says.
“I see a generation that is humble to build on the wisdom of previous generations, but also bold enough to contextualize it and come up with new initiatives for global mission”, says Sarah Breuel, Chair of the Lausanne Movement Younger Leaders Gathering 2016.
An American missionary and six Canadian mission workers lost their lives after Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) gunmen attacked hotel and coffe shop in Ouagadougou. Australian Christian doctor and his wife were kidnapped the same day.
The military also captures 43 suspected fighters, including one of the leaders. 2,000 women and children have been seized by Boko Haram since January 2014
It is hard to imagine but since the 1960s the Church almost entirely practiced this tradition.
Army advances against Boko Haram positions. No Chibok girls among the girls rescued.
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