The term “gazelle” appears on numerous occasions in the Bible, especially in relation to the Jewish peoples nutritional prescriptions. But it also appears as a symbol of lightness of foot and speed.
Many commentators believe this to be the flower that Solomon referred to as “the lily of the valley” in the Song of Songs.
Honesty, nobility and dependence on the Almighty are always the characteristic features of those who are being shaped and used as vehicles of His divine will.
Spelt (Triticum spelta) is much older than wheat (Triticum aestivum) and was therefore the variety that was best known and most widely used in Bible times.
The German government plans to ban so-called ‘conversion therapies’. Reinhardt Schink, Secretary General of the German Evangelical Alliance, says the law proposal is “neither coherent with its assumptions, nor consistent in its approach”.
The main thing that J.R.R. Tolkien inherited from his mother was the Roman Catholic faith. With the help of a priest, he was able to gain access to higher education.
Christian experts agree that education is key to fight pornography. “Talks and preachings about sexuality are necessary in our churches” to help “parents to educate their children biblically”.
The Bible only mentions ebony once, in the book of Ezekiel.
The psalmist alludes to the tall cypress trees that supported the heavy nests of the storks to highlight the way God cares for his creation.
King's biographer released a report which lends credibility to accusations from classified FBI documents. “It is deeply irresponsible to believe sources which can be unreliable”, a historian says.
Research in Spain fuels the political debate about limiting the power of the porn industry. Christian activists have long been alerting about the damaging effects on children and youth.
The impact of demographic change on religious populations and how this could relate to the future of secularisation in Europe.
Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) are the smallest Artiodactyl mammals of the Cervidae family that exist in Eurasia. Adult males can reach a height of 65 cm and a weight of 30 kg.
The 2019 European Freedom Network conference will be held in Italy. “God has used many instrumental Christians over time to address the issue of slavery”, says Leanne Rhodes.
There are three mentions of corals in the Bible and in all three what is stressed is the fact that the value of precious stones was ascribed to them in ancient times.
A crocodile can weigh up to 900 kg, however, its brain is no bigger than a human thumb.
Images of child rape are available online long after the victims are rescued, the Internet Watch Foundation said in a recent report. “The cause of the problem is the demand”.
“Mandatory age verification is a world first, we want the UK to be the safest place to be online”, government says. Measure will come into force in July.
Jesus, nailed to the cross, shed his crimson blood in order to give abundant life to all his children.
There are many who believe that nature created itself. However, since the days of Job until the present day, millions have believed this to be impossible.
The allusion in the book of Job (39:26) provides surprising information about the habit of the Falco tinnuculus of hovering in the air and remaining stationary in order to be able to observe possible prey.
One hundred Czech Christian leaders worked in thematic networks. Seminars addressed issues like the generational divides, church finances, and the use of pornography among Christians.
In Moses’s own language, the singular word for “onion” is bétsel, while the plural form is betsalim, which comes from the root batsal, meaning “to peel”.
The rare Jonah-like incident was captured on camera. “I held my breath because I thought the whale was going to dive down and release me much deeper in the ocean”.
The oriental plane tree is a tree with a smooth bark which easily peels away in strips, giving the trunk the appearance of a multi-coloured puzzle, or an artist’s palette of different shades of green and brown.
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