Two experienced hip hop artists in Spain open an online radio project to reach the urban culture with the gospel.
When she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. Exodus 2:3
There are some forty thousand subspecies scattered throughout the world. All of them are cold-blooded reptiles, whose body temperature depends on their environment.
Beans (Vicia faba) formed part of the Hebrews’ staple diet. During hard times and famine, they would mix beans with cereals in order to make coarse bread.
The German Evangelical Alliance had previously said that “the planned law is not coherent with its assumptions. We advocate for freedom of choice”.
Fig-trees appear more than forty times in the Bible, while the fruit of the tree is mentioned some twenty times.
In the Holy Land alone, there are some 90 types of herbaceous plants, each divided into hundreds of different subspecies.
Big companies are using the confinement to attract new consumers. The Protestant Evangelical Committee for Human Dignity and other six platforms call to protect children and fight human trafficking.
The hyena was a common animal in the Holy Land in the Biblical era, and even today it can still be seen.
“Religious freedom, must include recognition of the right to protect life and to advocate against its termination, both in words and deeds”, the WEA says at the UN Human Rights Council.
One Biblical term for “the worm that does not die” is the mentioned Greek term, skólex, which appears in the New Testament to refer to Hell, or the permanence of eternal death.
The bird is famous for its dances, and its up to five-metre leaps in air when they gather in small groups, in a sort of social recognition ritual.
“We do not take a 13-year-old boy to a sex-shop, not anything goes in the digital world”, French President Emmanuel Macron said in a speech at UNESCO.
In a letter sent to census authorities, dozens of academics said they “are concerned that this will damage our ability to capture and remedy sex-based inequality”.
Certain food agencies are considering the possibility that in the future insects could become the main source of protein for humanity. The Bible envisaged this scenario thousands of years ago.
The decision would allow the Vatican to hand over documents concerning crimes against children. Survivors associations respond with caution.
A pair of swallows can clock up as many as a thousand flights in search of little mud-balls until their nest is complete.
The first evangelical congress on childhood and family was held in Madrid. Pictures of the event, November 1-2.
According to the police, the person under arrest is acused of sexually assaulting a 17 year old girl inside the church building. Neither the pastor nor the community are part of the Spanish Federation of Evangelical Entities.
The Hebrew term shajaph, translated as “seagull” in the Old Testament, literally means “thinness”.
Only infidelity has not suffered a change in attitudes compared to 30 years ago, shows research conducted by King’s College London on a range of issues.
The Hebrew word anaphah, which appears in the list of impure animals (Lv. 11:19; Dt 14:18), refers to herons, which are large, elegant, long-necked aquatic birds.
Archaeological excavations have shown very old representations of roosters have been found in the Holy Land, specifically in Tell el Nasbeh and Gibeon.
The European Freedom Network launches a new anti-trafficking campaign: “You have no way of knowing if the porn you are looking at is from someone who chose to be there or not”.
Originating in Persia, this plant can still also be found growing in the region between Syria and India. It is a large herbaceous perennial bush.
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