God gave His life for mankind, independently of race, social standing or environment.
We are the bride of Christ, He won our hearts and we are His. We are invited to live with our gaze fixed on Him and our every move lived in response to His loving leadership.
On 31 October the Protestant Reformation is commemorated around the world, just over five centuries after Luther nailed his 95 theses in Wittenberg (Germany).
A declaration of the Committee of Evangelical Teachers in Italy (CIEI) about the Global Compact on Education promoted by Pope Francis and signed by representatives of various religions.
Get ready to receive the baton, run on and hand it over.
As we love one another earnestly, we will benefit from each other’s grace, generosity and gifting.
May we preach so that our listeners walk away pondering the character, the heart, the goodness, the grace of God.
Anything other than believing God's Word is cheating.
The football star presents his autobiography, in which he reviews his difficult career and stresses the importance of his faith. He was a key player for Colombia in the Copa America 2021.
We are not here forever. Ageing makes us face up to our mortality. It tells us about more than just the “vanity” of life.
Whatever you do, you cannot heal your worst wound. That is why God provides a remedy.
Is it possible to define Roman Catholicism? We are addressing Roman Catholicism as a system from an evangelical viewpoint.
“Churches need to use wisdom as to whether it is appropriate to meet in person”, the UK Evangelical Alliance says. The new measures in Scotland state that churches must close.
Let’s be captured by the grace of God as He chose to step into our messy world. Ponder the journey Jesus took from Bethlehem to the Cross.
His greatest desire is to see us all qualified for the greatest Olympics in history, where the prize is life itself.
Mercy is more than offering forgiveness, it includes loving-kindness, pity for those who are suffering and being gracious.
The church is God’s agent of reconciliation. It will seek for ways to reconcile the people with God and with one another and lead them into God’s kingdom.
Christian counsellor, Emoke Tapolyai, warns about “the culture that feeds young people with the lie of `you can have it all´”, and analyses how to help them cope with the anxiety that it brings.
Is the present pandemic simply God’s judgment to punish evil? Or does it, on the other hand, have nothing to do with God, because He can only show love?
Although we have not been saved by our good works, the Bible says that they are the result of our salvation.
Italian pastors across many denominations continue to praise the Lord’s faithfulness in historically unifying them in prayer.
Mursilis was unsure if the storm god was indeed the reason for the plague that happened between 1350-1325 BCE. He panicked because libations and offerings were about to cease.
On the damages of Augustine’s formula and the correction of the Protestant reformation.
“I forgive you. I want the best for you, and the best would be to give your life to Christ”, a 18-year-old said to the woman who killed his brother, after she was sentenced to 10 years.
Espen Ottosen talks about the truths Christians should share with people who have little knowledge and/or many prejudices about Christian belief.
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