Patriarch Kirill defends Putin in what he calls a “fratricidal war”. Meanwhile, tens of thousands continue to leave Russia to avoid military mobilisation.
According to the national census, over 45% of Northern Irish people identify with the Catholic faith, while 43.5% identify with one of the branches of Protestantism.
Two Protestant groups underline the need for more palliative care, but differ in their evaluation of a recent National Ethics Committe report. A new law could be approved in 2023.
Christians agree that “suicide should not be seen as a normal form of dying in society”. A new law is expected before the end of 2022.
In the days following July 11 evangelical leaders raised their voices as well as others who on rare occasions have directly and publicly confronted the Castro regime..
The severe political and economic crisis hinders the living conditions of most of the population. “Churches are involved in providing relief”, says an evangelical leader.
Many registered Cuban Protestant institutions did not remain silent, at the expense of various reprisals, such as losing their legal status.
That July 11, 2021, called “11J” by Cubans was the largest protest seen in Cuba in 62 years, triggered by a shortage of food and medicine and the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Although it is an issue largely unnoticed by the media, many elite Kenyan runners openly talk about their Christian faith as the reason for their success.
For the first time, less than half of Germans belong to one of the two mainstream churches.
Demonstrations began with the indigenous demands for reforms, due to high inflation and unemployment. Evangelicals call to “pray for peace” in Ecuador.
Historical images of schools founded by Protestant churches have been presented in Barcelona. "They stood out for their innovative teaching methods”, organisers say.
They were accused of “unauthorized worship”. The court has upheld the sentence of six months in prison but reduced the fine by half.
Of the 186 known Christian fellowships, only a small minority are allowed to worship in their own buildings. The Turkish Association of Protestant Churches denounces that money has been offered to individuals who offer information about churches and pastors.
A majority of regional presbyteries of the Church of Scotland are ready to approve the draft law in May.
Evangelical Christians encourage the re-elected President of France to “build an authentically human society”. Protestants remind him that “the Republic is secular but French society is not”.
An exhibition in the Spanish city of Ourense shows the difficulties evangelicals had in the 19th and 20th centuries to share their ideas in freedom.
Uncertainty and discontentment give the far-right a chance to win the Presidential election on Sunday. But Protestants continue to support Macron, says researcher Sebastien Fath.
The entity representing 600 million evangelicals calls on Algeria “to end their persecution of evangelicals, rescind the unjust court sentences, and allow the churches forcibly closed to reopen”.
Statistics show that membership dropped around 2.5% in one year. The EKD says a lack of religious socialisation and “personal irrelevance” are some of the reasons.
Religious leaders also denounce the “disproportionate impact” that the draft law will have on “already marginalised minorities” and call for its removal.
Government officials have begun proceedings to close another Protestant church. Sixteen churches have been closed in the past four years.
Evangelicals say the new contract “contains guarantees for freedom of religion” but also warn about its application, because “certain terms could be misinterpreted”.
Clashes with the State and punishments of Cuban evangelicals have increased in recent years, but without a high number of imprisoned pastors. Until 11 July 2021 came.
The government said over 8,000 people have been detained. The President refused to negotiate a peaceful solution of the crisis.
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