You will never have a perfect message, but prayerfully do what you can.
The online ministry of pastor José Manuel Sierra’s church in Tenerife grew exponentially as the pandemic hit Spain. “Some have converted while watching the worship services, they have lots of questions”.
When challenging circumstances come, we see how believers find themselves in unique situations to speak of Jesus.
In the book of Acts God gives us a blueprint for when traditional church is not possible.
A familiar text may require less exegetical work, but be sure that your listeners are getting fresh preaching because you have prepared your heart as well as your message.
For some of us, time tends to move past quickly and sometimes erratically. It is helpful to figure out where the time actually goes.
Little has changed in 3,000 years: telling people they’re behaving badly and need to change is never popular.
Listeners will listen gripped by well organized and well-presented material.
If Jesus is who he claims to be, he is worthy of all your faith, your worship, your love.
How often do we petition Christ for the petty things, while ignoring the far greater gifts that he wants to give us?
Be personal in your message, but remember it is out there for all.
After adrenaline there is always a settling period. God is the only one who can motivate us to lift our flattened hearts up toward Him.
Speaking to a crowd of people is something that is unnatural for everyone, and fearful for many.
Around 100 cars participate, with an estimated total of 300 people, who “got together safely, sang some songs and heard about the good news of Jesus”.
John 5 underlines to us that Jesus is not passive, nor reactive. He is proactive.
Our culture tends to show in how we preach. We may accept that premise, but what should we do about it? A six-step action plan.
There are some aspects of our preaching that may be more reflective of our culture than we realize.
A lot of us preachers remain fairly unaware of how our preaching and communication reflects our own culture.
People need to have more exposure to God’s self-revelation in the Bible, not less.
Play your part in building the body of Christ and show yourself who you are. The Bible knows nothing of solitary religion.
God created us with an incredible set of emotions to help drive us through the challenges of life, but He never intended us to travel that path alone.
A Christian is someone who has been both born into and adopted into God’s family.
Because Jesus rose from the dead, He made a way for humans to come to God and defeated the enemy of our souls and death itself.
Jesus died to set us all free from the righteous judgment of God against sin, to buy us out of our slavery to sin.
His story can change our story, because our story only makes sense when we understand His.
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