Christian counsellor, Emoke Tapolyai, warns about “the culture that feeds young people with the lie of `you can have it all´”, and analyses how to help them cope with the anxiety that it brings.
Nobody does any more important work than those who pray for others.
“Churches were shut, but many have never been busier”, said the United Kingdom Evangelical Alliance as the findings of the survey ‘Changing church: Responding to the coronavirus crisis’ were presented.
This is the time for leaders to step forward, holding firm to their values and communicating them clearly.
Refugee Sunday will be on 21 June. In a new document about the refugee crisis, European evangelicals call “to pray, consider your country’s response and speak up”.
Is the UK government’s decision to allow ‘private prayer’ yet more evidence of rife religious illiteracy within the corridors of power?
The president of the French Evangelical Alliance, Christian Blanc, spent one month in the hospital infected with the coronavirus. “We must incarnate the gospel by being closer to the poor and the sick”.
The World Evangelical Alliance laments “the recent killing of a black unarmed man, a symptom of the racial injustice that continues to exist”. Furthermore, the body representing 42,000 US churches also calls “for justice for victims and their families”.
“This conference is an impressive example of how the church has been adapting during the pandemic”, a participant says. 25 Networks, 101 workshops, plenaries and mentoring were available online.
What should happen as restrictions are loosened and as impatience for normality grows? Can Christians continue to promote both freedom and responsibility?
God has placed people with more wisdom at our side to help us in difficult moments.
“This is an attempt to offer an holistic view of how Christian practice and the coronavirus are connected”, says Jason Mandryk, the author of Operation World.
Begin by asking God to show us his will and then everything else will fall into place in its time.
The COVID-19 pandemic is spreading suffering around the world – but it can also teach precious lessons to individuals, churches, and nations.
An evangelical doctor working in Spain with Covid-19 patients shares his experience. “I am not a hero, I know I can get the virus and die. But I am sure that whatever happens, the Lord is with me”.
Some will look back on lockdown with a deep sense of regret at having missed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grow closer to God.
Italian pastors across many denominations continue to praise the Lord’s faithfulness in historically unifying them in prayer.
The National Council of Evangelicals of France supports “the current restrictions for reasons of public health”. “In this crisis, we keep our hope in God intact, and seek to share it”.
Think and pray about the gaps that this unique season will create in our churches, as well as the new people that could be added.
“Faith shows that there is more than the current situation”, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder, said during the “Germany prays together” online event.
Marcos Zapata, President of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, explains what he learned as he was infected with Covid-19. “In the midst of this crisis, our churches can be light and bless our community”.
“We live in a completely overwhelming situation”, a worker of an evangelical nursing home says. Personnel and material is scarce and solidary initiatives have been strarted to provide resources.
For all who trust in Christ, there is real and eternal hope. In the storm, at some point, He will reveal his true glory to us.
A University of Copenhagen shows that “in March, internet searches for the topic prayer surged to the highest level during the past 5 years [...] It occurs on all continents and for Christians and Muslims”.
As pastors, ministers, church leaders and preachers, we need to be very confident in God’s Word as we plunge into a global crisis.
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