Church planting and revitalisation, media, theology, charitable work, and ministry to younger generations were some of the topics addressed by participants from countries such as Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Ukraine.
The theme of the 20th congress was ‘Momentum. Culminating the mission’, which emphasised the need to imitate the character and integrity of Jesus Christ in the face of the pressures and temptations of Christian ministry.
Jack Hemmings, along with fellow veteran Stuart King, “wanted to use aviation for good”. They founded Mission Aviation Fellowship in 1945. The ministry still serves people in unreached places of the world.
God's plan was put into the hands of eleven very ordinary men, fearful, and doubting. He sent His Holy Spirit and filled them and all those who believed in Him with power.
A first-hand account of visiting church plants, heroes of faith in a Muslim context, and pioneering work among women, children, and ex-drug addicts.
‘In order to plan for a better life, we must stop and listen to the voice of God’, says Ilsen Canizares, a Christian doctor specialising in healthy ageing.
I hope it highlighted the challenges, but also the joys, of our story, and echoed the stories of families like ours across the country.
The plan will last from 3 June to 3 September 2024. It does not affect patients already established on those medicines by a UK prescriber.
A waiter at Madrid's iconic Windsor hotel shares his experience serving top executives, presidents and even royalty, in a career marked by faith and perseverance.
The venue in Besançon was chosen because it is well served. “It is not the place that makes the church, it is the people who make it”, says the pastor.
New data from a group focusing on church planting points to immigration as a key element in the growth of Spanish churches in the last decade.
Listen to the interview with the new chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, elected at the global congress held in Madrid in October 2023.
The new chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, Dominic Yeo from Singapore, spoke to Evangelical Focus. “We have to expect discipleship happening in our churches, and the next generation becoming church planters”.
4,300 participants from all over the world attended the World Congress of the largest Pentecostal denomination. Reaching new generations and church planting, major goals. A report from the Madrid Arena.
Around 100 Christians leaders from 22 countries gathered for a IFFEC conference in Spain.
A good expository preacher knows that a story has its own way of carrying and conveying its point.
According to research, 44% of Portuguese evangelical churches were started after the year 2001. Many pastors are from Brazil but 7 in 10 new believers are nationals.
Keller knew church planting in Europe is hard. Take heart, European leader!
The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Animals and Plants of the Bible, by biologist and theologian Antonio Cruz, analyses the over 300 animal and plant species mentioned in Scripture.
Despite 47% of residents in the capital of Finland being members of the mainline Lutheran Church, most Christians attend other congregations.
Church planting in the inland villages of Spain.
A new project fosters relationships between churches in rural areas of Great Britain. This large mission field needs passionate leaders and long-term commitment, says Tim Wilson.
The 20-year-old Christian wants to use her platform to “serve God and my neighbours”. She has a heart for church planting and reaching the Generation Z.
Almost 8,000 municipalities do not have an evangelical presence yet, says church planter Máximo Álvarez in an interview.
Kazakh believers have formed their own association called Kurultay to foster and bring unity to all of the Kazakh evangelical churches and expand the Kingdom of God.
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