One of the most overlooked items in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum is the 8th century BCE marble Lamassu statue discovered in Assur, Iraq in 1845.
What did the “Lordship” of Jesus mean for first century Christians?
The Samaria Ostraca and LMLK Jar-Handles are two invaluable collections for any scholar intent on understanding the world of iron age Israel and Judah.
The tablet itself consists of 3 fragments that are pieced together, and 102 of the original 202 proverbs are preserved and legible.
Thinking biblically about public life begins with framing reality according to the Word of God.
A relief in the Istanbul Archaeology Museum captures Sennacherib’s pride and character.
One of the symbols that are used for Asherah is the “tree of life”, this may also be a reason why the woods provided a natural setting for those who sought her help.
Who were these Canaanites whom God ordered to be annihilated? What did they believe, what did they practice? Why was their existence such a threat to ancient Israel?
Outside of Genesis, what do we know about the flood?
It is very important to answer this question, especially if one wants to argue for the possibility of the existence of a written Torah prior to 1000 BCE.
As two superpowers left the Levant, a power vacuum was created. Canaan was left alone, ripe for conquest.
The author of Ephesians makes the point that in Christ the barriers between God and humanity, and the artificial barriers that people have put up against each other are destroyed.
It is possible that the unnamed deliverer who saved the kingdom of Israel from the oppression and threat of the Arameans is none other than Adad-Nirari III himself.
In Jesus Christ, we have the perfect fulfillment of the idealized Sumerian vision of the Shepherd King that Gudea and other kings sought to achieve in their lifetime.
The poem of Su-Shin is the oldest love poem ever discovered. Some of its lines sound very reminiscent of the Song of Songs.
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