The Gambian Christian Council is concerned about the importance that the Shariah has in the draft constitution.
The Chinese Christian Church in Spain closely follows the religious freedom changes happening in its home country. “The government wants all evangelical churches to be subject to the organisation of the Three Autonomies”.
Africa has become “an easy prey, because of its vulnerability and the abiding Western interest in the region”, says the Secretary General of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA).
Two Iranian Christian women spent 259 days in prison for their faith. “God gave us an opportunity to share the gospel with people who needed to hear it”. They wrote a book about it.
Gunmen also wounded 18 and kidnapped 3. The previous week, other 7 Christians were seized and 5 were found dead.
Three churches were set on fire twice in less than a month.
The Christian Association of Nigeria organised a march to end a three-day fast. In January alone, 100 people died due to terrorism and clashes between Muslims and Christians.
The UN International Court of Justice has issued precautionary measures to protect the Rohingya minority.
The Pakistani Christian absolved of death penalty shares details about her suffering as a “prisoner of fanaticism” . Journalist Anne-Isabelle Tollet is co-author of the book.
More than 45 world leaders gathered in Jerusalem to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. They publicly committed to never forget the lessons of the Holocaust.
Religious freedom in Western Africa was addressed in Davos through an event organised by the World and the Swiss Evangelical Alliances.
Rev. Lawan Andimi had stated in a video that he trusted in God should he lose his life to Islamic terrorists.
The 2006 law requires non-Muslim worship buildings to be licensed, but all applications to do so have remained unattended. “We all know that these laws are only there to muzzle Christians and other religious minorities”.
Digital persecution is on the rise, the WWL 2020 shows. Asia Bibi’s release was one of the the good news.
The attackers arrived at the primary boarding school in Kamuthe, Garissa County, as the teachers were sleeping. “One of the attackers said, ‘We cannot allow infidels to teach our children,’ and there and then fired at three teachers”.
The spread of violent Islamic militancy across Sub-Saharan Africa and South-east Asia, and the rise of Christians targeted by organized crime in Latin America, are some of the trends of the 2020 Open Doors WWL.
Growing pressure on Christians in China, Algeria, Burkina Faso, according to the 2020 Open Doors World Watch List. Christians face severe persecution in 73 countries.
The leader of the German Evangelical Alliance says the lack of humanity in returning Christian converts to Islamist countries harms Germany’s own value system.
A leader of the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria pleaded for help on a video released on Sunday. “I have never been discouraged, because all conditions that one finds himself are in the hands of God”.
Muslim government officials attended the Christmas service of Khartoum Bahri Evangelical Church, a congregation the previous government harassed for years.
Pastor Wang Yi is accused of “subversion and illegal trade”. He will be deprived of his political rights and his personal assets will be seized. Another elder of his church has been sentenced to 4 years.
Requests for government intervention were ignored, and nearby churches are providing the displaced believers with emergency supplies and lodging.
Ethnic Wa rebels closed the churches in September 2018, destroyed at least 10 church buildings and detained more than 200 Christians who were later released.
The UK Prime Minister recalls Christians who celebrate Christmas “in secret”. Queen Elisabeth says: “Through His teaching, Jesus Christ shows the world how small steps can overcome divisions”.
Around 1,000 people joined silent protests on the same evening. “The fate of those persecuted for their faith should not leave us cold”.
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