Children mattered to Jesus, and He taught us a lot through the things He did with them.
Back to school has gone well for many disabled children. But there are children who have been let down with 24% still not back in school.
Minors 'must understand the consequences' before consent to treatment, says a landmark ruling. The country’s only gender clinic for children suspended new referrals for puberty blockers.
Mirela’s testimony highlights some of the extreme circumstances that Roma people often live in, but also reveals how Jesus makes a difference in their lives.
Leave the youth group on a Sunday and start going to ‘adult’ church services can be hard for any child, but having additional needs can often make it more difficult.
The battle between good and evil’ flows through the film. This study plan is primarily created to be used with children and young people.
Seek to speak from God’s heart to theirs: sensitively, passionately, directly, and clearly.
An EU report denounces that “Romani people are subject to persistent antigypsyism, a specific form of racism”. The Roma community asks Europe to “take concrete measures”.
A familiar text may require less exegetical work, but be sure that your listeners are getting fresh preaching because you have prepared your heart as well as your message.
The effects of lockdown continue to cause all sorts of difficulties for families of children with additional needs and disabilities.
Switzerland is rapidly leaving behind its Christian roots, but secularisation opens new opportunities to share Jesus, says Andi Bachmann-Roth of the national Evangelical Alliance.
It was time to go back. Nervous days led up to the big day, a sleepless night the night before, and that was just me!
Would this already-ailing institution ever recover from lockdown?
The authors of the coup have met with different religious leaders in the country. “We are often consulted, and much respected”, Christians in the country say.
We must thank God for nature, for other people, each of the parts of our body; and give thanks to God for who he is.
It’s not weak to reach out for help, this really is “being the strong one”.
A quarter of the Bibles distributed were in a digital format. Most downloaded scriptures were in Spanish and Portuguese.
Spain, the UK, Italy, Turkey, France and Germany are the European countries with more cases, which are spreading among younger people.
World Vision and the Barna Group released a study on the values of Millennials and Generation Z and their relationship with faith issues.
Parenting a child or young person with additional needs or disability can be isolating sometimes, and not everyone understands what it can be like.
The time of crisis is inevitably also a time of opportunity for reconciliation, mediation and a new start.
In the longer term, pornography can cause the user to view people as objects rather than as whole and complete individuals.
Iván Vázquez (33) with cerebral palsy, died from the Coronavirus. His mother Myriam shares how her faith in God helped her be with her son until his final breath.
Jesus met the parents of five children whom he subsequently healed or raised from the dead. In each case there is learning for us all.
Christian counsellor, Emoke Tapolyai, warns about “the culture that feeds young people with the lie of `you can have it all´”, and analyses how to help them cope with the anxiety that it brings.
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