The National Council of Evangelicals in France (CNEF) opposes the “fatherless assisted reproduction”. France has opened a public consultation prior to the approval of a new bioethics law.
Cinema and memory have a similar effect on the truth. They clean it and make it sparkle to make it more bearable.
“It is good to know that all apps (especially the freebies!) come with a price: your personal data”, says social media expert Cosmin Cret.
The Annual Report on the situation of fundamental rights in the EU is a narrow document, that misses some of the key elements related to the very topic that it purports to address.
‘Protecting Diversity’, a document endorsed by a range of denominations and church groups, proposes “positive solutions to live all together well in a multicultural society”.
Adrián Gurpegui shares about what he learned with his son. “It is difficult for them to relate to others, but that does not mean that they want to be alone”.
Eight in ten say parents should have access to the content of Relationships and Sex Education classes before it is taught in schools. “The role of the state should be limited”, the EAUK says.
Films about an empowered orphan, a struggling entertainer, a clumsy bear, a quadriplegic’s wife and a downtrodden boy.
One third of the users around the world are minors, the newest report of the agency for cihldren explains. “Many have a digital footprint before they can even walk or talk”.
- ‘My kids and I used to make dens in their bedrooms with sheets and things. We made up this whole new world, full of adventures… ‘
Alberta Child and Family Services considers “the couple’s religious beliefs regarding sexuality to be a rejection of children with LGBT sexual identities”.
The Evangelical Alliance writes a letter to the head of the Valais Canton education system asking for measures to make sure children are not proselytised.
You need more than superpowers to flourish in your family and in life.
Dave Patty encourages parents and leaders to have ongoing conversations with teenagers, because “young people are under tremendous pressure”.
The use of these devices at an early age “causes lack of interaction and impairs the healthy development of their senses”, pediatricians around the world are saying.
Some political parties had asked the AEE to propose specific amendments to the law. The draft law would affect freedom of speech, the education of children and would put pressure on the media.
"We are not going to teach gender ideology in the school, but we are not going to discriminate anyone either", Education Minister Enrique Riera, says.
“It is in our humanitarian tradition as evangelical Christians to extend human rights to all groups, including the unborn”, says Evangelical Alliance Ireland Executive Director Nick Park.
You never forget what you learned as a child.
The majority of the political parties voted in favour of the Bill that could endanger religious freedom. The ruling Conservatives (PP) confirmed their abstention.
Popular department stores company put an end to ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ sections. Parents challenge the implementation of LGBT policies in primary schools.
A local church dedicates special service to honour the elderly in the community. “In Barcelona, there are 23,000 people over 85 living alone.”
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