The AEE presented a renewed image and its projects in the areas of youth, solidarity, media and creation care, among others.
More than 450 authors and almost 30,000 contents published since the website was launched in January 2015. “The journey we have made reinforces the idea that approaching current affairs from a Christian perspective is not only relevant but necessary”.
The battle for the Truth is “the good fight”, the one worth fighting for to the end, the race par excellence.
The work of Pedro Tarquis and Pablo Martínez as founders of Spanish news website Protestante Digital was awarded in Madrid.
In seven brief utterances, Jesus proclaimed the most profound sermon that has ever been preached, a beautiful synopsis of the gospel.
Its daily contents and the contribution of hundreds of authors since 2003, make it the largest evangelical news website in Spain. The celebration gathered friends and supporters.
The 4th Spanish Bioethics Conference will give a Christian perspective on creation care, life and death, and AI. “Bioethics is not primarily a theoretical issue to be considered at a university classroom, but a practical reality in everyday life”.
Eleven years later, Spanish evangelicals will gather for a new Bioethics congress. Non-Christians are welcome in a programme that will address issues such as euthanasia, artificial intelligence, and creation care.
It is on the cross that the character of Christ reaches its greatest splendour. During the hours of deepest darkness, his words shine like radiant gold.
The largest evangelical denomination in Spain held its annual congress in a hybrid format under the theme "Do it again!"
Christmas has a profound relevance for everyone but especially for those who are going through times of suffering and crisis.
What are your reasons to be anxious or worried today? Identify them and make a translation: turn them into prayer requests.
The peace of Christ is not primarily tranquillity, but security, it is not characterized by the absence of danger, but by the presence of Christ in the turbulence of the waterfall, it is not so much an emotion as a position.
Participants from all over the world “received encouragement and inspiration through specialized training, mentoring and networking”, say the organisers of the European Leadership Forum.
It is on the cross that the character of Christ reaches its greatest splendour. During the hours of deepest darkness, his words shine like radiant gold.
True comfort, the comfort that reaches the heart, cannot be separated from the person and work of Jesus Christ.
A document was recently published with the presentations and contributions of hundreds of participants in the Family and Leadership inquiry, organized by the Spanish Evangelical Alliance.
Being in Christ and letting ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit is the way to be filled with joy.
However safe and self-sufficient we felt, a virus has reminded us of the fragility of life and has brought us face to face with death.
An interview with psychiatrist Pablo Martinez. “Farewell is the natural gateway to mourning”, he says. “Being deprived of this option is an obstacle that complicates the subsequent process”.
We should be able to transform the time of waiting into a time of hope and patience. Then we will discover that God can change our adversities into opportunities.
Psalm 91 has breathed encouragement and peace into millions of believers in the midst of trial. Its message is very relevant to our current epidemic situation.
Spanish psychiatrist and author, Pablo Martínez, analyses how individualism, existential emptiness and intolerance to suffering, have become some of the main charasteristics of our society.
The Unamuno Prize was given to philosopher and university professor José Luis Villacañas, for “his brave defense of the memory of Protestantism as an integral part of the history of Spain”.
Every 40 seconds, one person commits suicide worldwide, the WHO reports. Christian psychiatrist Pablo Martínez analyses this difficult issue.
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