There is the risk of elevating “unity” to the absolute principle, a little “god” claiming pre-eminence. It takes courage to make unity dependent on the Biblical truths and not elevating it to the place of “first imperative”.
Why Einstein’s theory of relativity is actually a powerful argument for absolute truth.
“Unity is not only a vague feeling of nearness”, says Jaume Llenas (Spain). David Robertson (Scotland) believes Anglicans have other “unanswered questions”. Luc Olekhnovitch (France) sees similarities with debates in his country.
My heart weeps over increasing numbers of Christians who are opting out just saying: “Christ is soon coming back and we cannot really do anything about the global situation.”
Today, aged 17, approaching his birthday and official adulthood, José is facing up to the prospect of having to leave the shelter and create a life for himself beyond the familiar walls.
Many leaders hide their vulnerability behind a mask of confidence and what can appear to be spiritual superiority, not necessarily knowingly but subconsciously as part of what they feel it means to be a leader.
Western Christians can sometimes come across as believing that they have a superior and better developed approach to work and leadership. But does the Bible actually lean towards a Western set of values or those reflected in the Global South?
‘...and the Christian kingdoms against the Muslim Ummah’. Turkey's challenges seen by Carlos Madrigal, pastor of the Istanbul Protestant Church.
“We have the opportunity now to play a key role in ending an institution that for too long has failed to live up to core Christian principles”, thinks Heather Beaudoin.
On such a day as this (perhaps) 700 years ago, a most fascinating life came to an end.
Many European leaders have ignored founding father Robert Schuman’s warning that the enterprise needed a soul.
What are the aims of Evangelical Focus? Solas Magazine asked Joel Forster some questions.
Does a secularised Europe have any real basis for faith in the core values stemming from the story which made Europe Europe in the first place?
God suffered death in the person of Christ to bring life not only to the defenceless, but also to those who think they are powerful just because they have grenades in their belt. Christ also died for the sinners of Daesh.
The huge investment in agriculture transformed the semi-arid Al Badia region into fields of maize and cotton, by means of subsidies to farmers and the drilling of thousands of wells. This added to the pressure on water resources.
Evangelicals have to do their homework in order to go beyond the surface of mere phonetics in order to grasp the profoundly different theological vision underpinning Francis’ language.
There can come a point when levels of indebtedness are so high that efforts to pay in full will be counter-productive.
Do we only see laws and borders that need to be enforced, or do we also try to follow a higher humanitarian law that stands above national laws and borders?
One of the principles of Christianity is that the law must be obeyed, although we will see that there are a number of exceptions to this rule.
Some of the articles sent by readers are among the most shared on social media. Publish opinions, reports, etc.
John MacArthur is no heretic. He has been faithful to Scripture, he did not deserve such treatment. His gracious response to the ‘prophet’ was praiseworthy.
The encyclical strongly relates these ecological problems to social issues such as injustice and income inequality: it asserts that where the fabric of society breaks down, the environment suffers as well.
The dominant ideology of today’s Europe: growth as our guarantee of existential security in the present and eschatological hope for the future. Christians have an extraordinary message of extraordinary hope at times of crisis.
Where faith in the public square is discussed in the United Kingdom, it is approached at best from the perspective of a social scientist doing research on an alien species. At worst, faith positions are attacked as dangerous departures from the neo-liberal consensus.
As a ‘polygamous heterosexual’ by nature, I don’t see myself better than my homosexual friends in many areas where I struggle. But this is no excuse for neither me nor you.
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