We love new technologies and we use them passionately. But we also know God’s mission is done through and for real people. The ELF conference in Wisla (Poland) reinforces our aim to analyse the big challenges of today through the Christian worldview.
A video by Jubilee Centre/CPFE setting out the main issues surrounding the refugee crisis, priorities for public policy and options for Christians to make a difference.
Should we talk about the ‘Protestant Reformation’ or the ‘Protestant Reformations’?
Evangelical Focus asked the well-known Pentecostal pastor about his “open” approach to Roman Catholicism. Traettino defended his position about ecumenism during the Italian Evangelical Alliance 2016 assembly (8-9 April, Rome).
As Romanians, we have passed through many great battles against our own government, battles over state laws that were against the law of God. During our history, the Ottoman Empire wanted our children, just as other empires did.
The World Evangelical Alliance Secretary General participated in the Italian Evangelical Alliance assembly (Rome, 8-9 April). In this interview with Evangelical Focus, Bp Tendero talks about the need to listen to local churches and to face challenges like the refugee crisis and climate change.
Imagine you are a former member of a guerrilla. Imagine you met Jesus and you became a pastor.
“Catholicism continues to add places to the table and extend the menu”. The talk Leonardo de Chirico gave at the 2016 AEI annual assembly in Rome.
There they are, three of them, gleaming, embedded in the pavement: Stolpersteine. I am passing through Belgická, a street close to our house. I'm walking there for the umpteenth time and never once before these golden squares caught my eye.
There are Christians in both camps, and good reasons for both positions, but it is almost impossible to separate fact from propaganda. This article aims to articulate a biblical framework within which we might start to ask the right questions.
The extreme political right has simply developed a compelling narrative that weaves a dystopian mythology around the themes of ethnic dilution, conspiracy, migration, religious terrorism, and resource scarcity.
Free Church of Scotland Moderator David Robertson analyses low numbers of church attendants. “There are great opportunities for the gospel, many people think they have rejected Christianity but they haven't a clue what it is.”
While European nations, like ourselves, have largely abandoned Christianity as a guiding force, nevertheless, we have a great deal in common in terms of values. An opinion article sent by one of our readers.
Professor Pietro Bolognesi and Italian Evangelical Alliance vice-president Leonardo de Chirico sahre their views ahead of the meeting which will discuss Roman Catholic-Evangelical relationships.
Freedom needs spiritual values, internalised discipline and self-government. The truth will set us free, Jesus promised.
The loss of ethical meaning in public, civil communities feeds religious extremism. People will search for meaning, sometimes leading to life, sometimes leading to death.
To forgive requires first to be aware, through God’s light, of the dark hidden corners in our own heart.
We have to choose between impress the people or serve the people. Let’s lead out of our weakness and not out of our strength.
In the Christian tradition we believe that Christ taught us to break out of the matrix, out of the grip of grey despair and to be moved by beauty and light which restores our hope.
How should we integrate asylum seekers coming to Europe? Vimal Vimalasekaran (European Christian Mission) shares his story as a former refugee and gives answers.
We have moved to a situation where education is seen as a means to get rid of religion, and where state education systems are increasingly being used to indoctrinate children into a liberal secular humanism.
“Britain belongs in Europe and has a responsibility to share its immense Christian heritage”, says former European Comission worker Michael Gowen. Julia Doxat-Purser: “What relationship can God most use for His Kingdom purposes?”
In the middle of celebrations of his team, FC Barcelona player Gerard Piqué said: “Thanks Kevin Roldan, it all started with you.” These words provoked major controversy in the Spanish sporting media. Why?
What has driven mankind to live isolated and separated from fellowship with God, from showing compassion towards others and from respect of his very own life?
Our character, relationships and even our spirituality are reflected in these books. Christians, however, have launched a campaign to prohibit the books in schools and libraries, some going as far as to burn copies in public.
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