Is the UK government’s decision to allow ‘private prayer’ yet more evidence of rife religious illiteracy within the corridors of power?
The unsettled legacy of John Paul II one hundred years since his birth.
As the epidemic rages in Europe, let us not forget that worldwide inequalities mean that some countries will be more affected than others.
If you have ever been at a sporting event at the beginning of a comeback, you will know the power of hope to transform a situation and spread rapidly through a group of people.
We should be able to recognise the dangers that lurk alongside those in Christian service – and not make the mistake of thinking that we are immune from them.
Spanish psychiatrist and author, Pablo Martínez, analyses how individualism, existential emptiness and intolerance to suffering, have become some of the main charasteristics of our society.
Roman Catholicism is built on the conviction that its system is capable of keeping together its unchangeable Roman identity and its ever-increasing Catholicity.
The words of the president of the Italian Bishops Conference, Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, show that evangelicals are often brought into play both from the right and from the left.
We have reduced our central heating thermostat by 1 degree and will look to reduce it further in stages. Jumpers are lovely, we should wear them more when it’s colder.
Revive Europe will include extensive times of prayer, worship, repentance, and study of Acts 1-5.
If we look through the history of the church, we see time and time again that Christians have stood up in the public sphere as agents of change for the good of society. We need such people now.
In a major speech in 2016, President Xi Jinping called for the ‘sinicization of religion’. For the Chinese Communist Party, the rise of religion, especially Christianity and Islam, represents an existential threat to its political health.
The temptation facing us is either to push the panic button, adding further confusion to the chaos, or to take flight and escape into denial about what’s going on in society. For Christians both of these options are simply unacceptable.
If difficulties arise, immature Christians soon disappear, because the last thing they are willing to do is endure difficulties.
Politicians often emphasise the sense that they will be ‘judged by history’. Jesus though, said that our ultimate accountability is to God.
Kingdom values have helped bring radical transformation in society precisely when Christians understood their calling to be salt and light in the public square.
Christians in these rural areas often find themselves in the middle of two armed groups fighting each other for territory and for corridors through which to traffic their illicit goods.
Let’s vote for those who value a Europe of partnership, respect, compassion, peace, equality and freedom.
Many women regret having postponed childbearing. Our society still hasn’t given a viable solution to the challenge of balancing professional life and motherhood.
Since no political party has a monopoly on truth and wisdom, Christians will vote in different ways. But, there is still huge value in praying and discussing together, asking for the Lord’s blessing and mercy.
James’ Autism is neurodiversity, a different way of ‘being’. His brain is wired differently to mine, he thinks differently to me, sees and responds to the world differently to me.
The warning is clear - if you really must have a faith, keep it private. But there is no such thing as private faith.
Surveys show that integrity is highly sought after in many workplaces but few can confidently define it.
The Brexit crisis has overwhelmed almost everyone who cares about the issue and the feelings of exhaustion and confusion seem unbearable. The temptation now is to switch off and go to sleep.
What should fill us with hope is that the present order of things won’t always remain the same: everything will be turned upside down and in the end it is not the powerful that will triumph.
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