All the way through that first night in India, bursts of noises from the streets climb all the way up the walls to infiltrate the badly soundproofed windows of my hotel room and arouse my Western feeling of security.
“Identity is shaped by history, values and vision”, the International Director says in this talk given in Spain - November, 2015.
Dutch theologian Stefan Paas on learning from the “exile” and “diaspora” mindsets. “In the process of secularization everything else falls away: cultural pride, power of numbers, even money, position, status. The only thing you’re left with is Scripture and God.”
On such a day as this (perhaps) 700 years ago, a most fascinating life came to an end.
A centre for youth empowers children coming from very difficult contexts. “Jesus is their strength in planning and building up their future.”
Michael Ots (author of What kind of Hope?): “In Western Europe we have moved from a culture that used to be ambivalent and apathetic towards the gospel to a situation now where people are openly hostile to it.”
Rather than being a book against Islam, Michel Houellebecq’s “Submission” shines a light on the moral agony of Western cultural decline.
What are the aims of Evangelical Focus? Solas Magazine asked Joel Forster some questions.
Hundreds of churches and Christian organisations across Europe work to help marginalised people in their cities. Juan Simarro (Madrid) and Sarah Bennetch (Rome) speak from their experience.
One of the marks of the Reformation was the impulse to translate the Bible into the vernacular languages of Europe, so that the ploughboy could sing its words as he followed the plough.
Finance is not a subject that gets dealt with much in church life or teaching, except perhaps occasionally in terms of personal debt and giving. Even less is said about how our Christian faith works out in practice when facing the challenges of running a business.
In a context in which more Muslim apologists preach their religion in the streets and universities, European Christians should engage in “old school” evangelism with passion and clarity, says Christian apologist Beth Grove.
First Mission China 2030 Conference was attended by 900 evangelical pastors. 200 missionary commitments were made as the first step toward fulfilling this vision.
Refugee flows on the Balkans route, cooperation with Turkey and talks with African countries, as well as the funds needed to tackle these challenges, have been debated .
National “Youth Study” interviews population aged 12 to 25. In contrast with Christians, 75% of young Muslims see their faith in Allah as a priority.
Church hopes that “every word preached from this new pulpit may be God-inspired, Biblical, adequate, understandable.” Head of state Plevneliev underlined the work of evangelical Christians.
It was the first Spanish evangelical association dedicated to social action. They celebrate 30 years of serving the poor from a biblical perspective.
Ninety European evangelical leaders from 16 different countries joined in Madrid to share and explore better ways to develop church planting in Europe.
Augland is a church planter in Norway and trains others through the M4 network. “Calling needs to be confirmed from both inside and outside.”
This strategy does not seek out either receptive target groups, or the reproduction of a given church model or denomination; it does not try to impose a common methodology on the churches who adopt it.
About 10,000 believers seek to serve a society that looks to Europe for answers to the financial crisis. An interview with Samuil Petrovski.
An exhaustive study shows that 2 in 5 believe Jesus is a myth. Evangelical Alliance, Church of England and Hope encourage churches to “understand the landscape we are in.”
Church planters must resist the temptation of assuming that growing churches provide generalizable models for growth elsewhere, and that the absence of apparent success in the present is a sign that God is not working.
Protestant organisations working with refugees urge to “desist from the increasingly xenophobic and inflammatory discourse”.
Do we demonstrate in our thinking, our words, and our actions that the formation of new communities of Jesus followers is God’s business in which we are privileged to participate, rather than something that we do on his behalf?
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