The European Evangelical Alliance honours the work of a platform that offers “training of ministry workers and leadership, provision of a biblical perspective on disability, and mobilization of prayer and support”.
Embracing our mission of holistic transformation.
“Nones” are a majority but cities are now more religious than rural areas, analysts say. Evangelicals grow to 1.6% of the population.
Transformation occurred when the story of Jesus changed the way people thought about God, the gods, and human life.
Far East Broadcasting Company radio signal will be “unblockable by North Korean regime and reach the entire country with the message of Jesus Christ”.
More than 200 people went to houses, businesses and recreational areas in Santo Domingo, sharing the gospel through banners, messages of hope and prayer.
The Belgium Evangelical Mission (BEM) changed its name to ‘ViaNova’ (new way). ‘We dream to see a thriving movement of integrated Communities of disciples of Jesus throughout Belgium’.
The impact of demographic change on religious populations and how this could relate to the future of secularisation in Europe.
740 evangelical leaders connected for mission in Wisla (Poland). Ramez Atallah led the Bible expositions on 2 Corinthians. Seminars, thematic networks, and resources were available at the annual gathering.
The Belgian Evangelical Mission celebrates its 100th anniversary. The origins of the evangelical movement can be found on the battlefield of Western Flanders.
Communities in the island become members of the CNEF. Their aim is to have a united voice to be “more visible and develop social action”.
The Hindu fundamentalism or Hindutva has important implications for India and global mission.
An answer by Josef Pavlinak, Director of Integrity Life.
The suicide bomber killed 14 children and 12 adults in the evangelical Zion Church of Batticaloa. “We will continue to fulfil the mission the Lord has given us”, the senior pastor said.
Hundreds shared the hope of the resurrection in the streets of the Spanish cities, with colorful marches.
Why European languages are not sufficient in African contexts.
Around 70 participants from all over Spain joined to work and pray together, reflecting about how the Bible gives answers to questions of the new generations.
Church planter Ed Doepel on the meaning of success in ministry according to the Bible.
The missionary had been working with natives for more than 25 years. He was killed by gunshots at his house. The investigation is still open.
Jesus in an age of secularism, relativism, and tolerance.
“If the message is not understandable, no matter how important it is – it will not reach the people”, says Valeria Esteban, a graduate of the training programme started in Spain.
“The marketplace is the perfect place to build community and to show people who Jesus is, as well as having a positive social and economic impact”, says Mark Plummer.
The video platform created in 2005 is by far the most valued social media among young people aged 11-18, a report of Youth For Christ shows.
One hundred Czech Christian leaders worked in thematic networks. Seminars addressed issues like the generational divides, church finances, and the use of pornography among Christians.
A summary of the sermon Lindsay Brown preached at Michael Green’s funeral on 2nd March, 2019.
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